Thank you!
1. I believe in breakthroughs 2.Sales is more science than art 1.Good is the biggest enemy of GREAT
“10X companies performed 32 times better than the general stock market.”
Mortgage folks have short memories What have we forgotten? Mortgage biz is brutally cyclical…but always recovers.. Some challenges are short-term and survivable.. There are longer term forces when pulling together will change the way we do things… Bottom Line.Darwin is right, “eat or be eaten!”
Eat or be Eaten? Mortgage=Bacteria
Housing at the Tipping Point… Significant Opportunity for Originators Four models to consider What should I do to prepare for ‘12! WWBD…Bill Dallas Top Twelve for Twelve
1.Own main street 2.Own the relationship 3.Own the home ownership experience 4.Provide unique tools and products to power and simplify the experience “It’s not the strongest or most intelligent that survive…but the one who is most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin
Imperative 1 | Must deliver a unique online experience
New iPOS that delivers the next generation of lending… 100% consumer self-service functionality that pays consumer for each online step Loan Officer tool that increases productivity, service levels and customer collaboration (think Flo and Progressive!) Fixes our current “baggage claim” process
Cloud /Internet Loan Data Account Data Party / Borrower Doc Vault Doc Vault Authenitcation / Fraud Detection Authenitcation / Fraud Detection Pricing Engine Credit Data VOE / VOI VOA VOE / VOI VOA Payoff Loan Quality Services Title / Escrow Valuations Doc Prep User Auth Event 100 Pricing Event 200 Loan App Event 500 OCL Portal Platform Data/Product Integrations Data Tranche LoanxLoan1Loan2 Loan Data / LQI Support BI Tools Investors Consumer Lender Realtor Workflow LOS TransactionPoint RealEC MSP
To Get Started, Consumer or LO provide some simple data points to allow system to select the best loan product.
Based on information provided by the consumer or LO the system identifies a variety of products that meet their needs Credit for doing stuff!
The consumer or LO can easily view the cost / credits associated with any product.
Consumer earns credit helping out. It’s easy, transparent, saves the consumer money…me and my loan.
Consumer can view all programs and see “live” pricing…can you say Google Mortgage!
Imperative 2 | Must deliver a unique and value loan officer and borrower experience
Don’s Borrower Experience See how easy & fast you can create a great borrower presentation See a online EDGE borrower presentation See how you use VIDEO to deliver unique value See loan officers can monetize Social
12 for 12 1.Purchase 2.Harp Help 3.Written guarantee 4.Upfront savings & lowest cost 5.Fun, easy and 100% hassle-free 6.MSA…focus on listing not purchase 7.HBO…offer monthly “home buyer opportunity” seminar
12 for 12 8.Call center mentality…12 calls per day 9.Deliver a unique online borrower experience 10.Execute a unique and valuable experience between loan officer and borrower 11.Master CRM as a company and make it easy for loan officers 12.Make compliance your friend
Why now is the best time to be a serious mortgage professional – Markets are stabilizing – Many markets experiencing real HPA – Affordable…historic low rates and prices – Best time to buy…ever!
The Mortgage Experience REINVENTED
The Ultimate Borrower Experience
5 keys to the ultimate experience 1.Good questions 2.Mindful of freedom point 3.Graphs and charts 4.Cost over time 5.Rich media experience
3 biggest mistakes most loan officers make 1.Lack of consistent process & system 2.Only highlights rate, payment and closing cost 3.It’s not easy or valuable to share
We Are The Social Network
“There are more Internet connected devices than there are American's”
94% of home owners start their search online
150 million in US 44 million in US 119 million in US
the average professional service creates just $175 Average Mortgage Professional comp per transaction is $2,000+
“Despite all this opportunity 90% of mortgage professionals aren’t monetizing social”
In just 9 weeks 50,000+ Mortgage Coach Edge presentation have been viewed…thousands of clicks coming from Facebook & Twitter
Designed to make monetizing your social presence and activity easy
With a special formula of tools, content and coaching
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Bring your best SUCCESS STORIES to life
Instant Business Presence EDGE Social Streaming Quality Content Coaching
Good vs. Great vs. ?
Take a good look at Social Pro today…
Take a good look at Social Pro today… just by reviewing Social Pro you will learn something that will make your social presence and activity better
Good vs. Great vs. ?
Take a good look at Social Pro today… just by reviewing Social Pro you will learn something that will make your social presence and activity better