AIM – CeTARS Web Service Interface: Course Master Schedule and Other Possibilities November 2008
Focus of Discussion/Demo Background and overview of current CMS Web service interface Demo of initial CeTARS and AIM sides of interface Discussion of “where to from here” on CMS and other potential Web service interfaces
The Original Issue Many AIM users have traditionally developed Course Master Schedule (CMS) data in conjunction with their AIM- based curricula CMS data then had to be manually re- keyed into CeTARS both at initial curriculum development and at revisions
Background of Automated Interface CeTARS and AIM technical teams worked together in FY03 to define data interchange requirements and develop batch mode for data exchange CeTARS move to Web service vs. batch import made that interface obsolete At Jun 07 FRB meeting, ATRC requested adaptation of AIM CMS output to interface with existing CeTARS Web service API
Process Overview
Implementation Issues Automate process of getting AOIT data into CMS within AIM - resolved Collect all AIM user input data on FedSun and run CMS Web service to CeTARS from there vs. having to establish authenticated connection from every AIM user site to CeTARS production server - resolved PKI-based authentication between FedSun server and CeTARS - resolved Current interface supports single CMS per CIN – do we need to support CDP-level CMS data in AIM for input to CeTARS? - open
Demonstration of Interface Process [screen captures in Backup Slides or live/Captivate demo?]
Where to from here? Other potential Web service data interfaces from AIM to CeTARS: –Test items and test data (ACR xxxxx) –Others ???? Mechanism to explore interface issues in detail and develop detailed functional, cost, and technical data for possible implementation – recommend establishing a standing CeTARS-AIM interface working group CeTARS relationship to future Enterprise Data Environment (EDE)?
Proposed IPT Functional Leads: –Denise Green –Melinda O’Brien Technical Leads: –Paul Graf (AIM) –Mark Brockway (CeTARS) Business process: –Brief kickoff splinter meeting in Orlando this week –Periodic Web meetings / demos as coordinated by Functional and Technical leads
Points of Contact Ron Zinnato, AIM SSO, NAWCTSD Orlando, Melinda O’Brien, AEGIS Training and Readiness Center (ATRC), Paul Graf, AIM Team,
Backup Slides
AIM AOIT Viewing/Editing Procedures
AIM CMS Viewing/Editing Procedures
AIM CMS Output to CeTARS
AIM Course Selection for CMS Output
AIM CMS Exporting to CeTARS
AIM CMS Exported to CeTARS
Error When Course Already Exists in CeTARS
Error When There is a CDP Conflict with CeTARS
CeTARS Navigation to CMS
Query of CIN/CDP
Course Master Schedule version imported
Location of Events Validation Table for Topic Title imported from AIM
Completed CMS Entry in CeTARS