SENG 531: Labs TA: Brad Cossette Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 3-4pm ICT 524
Labs This Week: Monday Reading Academic Papers Wednesday Presenting your Academic Paper
Presenting your Paper 1. Basic Points to Remember 2. Structuring/Creating Your Presentation 3. Delivery
Basic Points to Remember Your goal when presenting is to make your audience understand your paper Figure the paper takes a few hours to understand Your presentation is 9-10 minutes
Basic Points to Remember(2) Remember from Monday’s talk: Don’t get bogged down in details Balance your presentation for Rob & the class You have to demonstrate to Rob you grasp the hard stuff You want to still hold onto the attention of your peers
Basic Points to Remember(3) Please remember that you’re the future audience Gold Rule for Class Presentations Be aware that you can do a lot of things to unnerve your presenter Do your best to give them your attention Asking questions shows interest Use body language to show attentiveness
Creating your Presentation Remember the 3 questions: 1. What’s the problem? 2. How do they solve it? 3. What do I think of their solution?
Creating your Presentation(2) You have 9-10 minutes to address all 3. One suggestion: 1. What’s the problem? 2-3 minutes 2. How do they solve it? 4-5 minutes 3. What do I think of their solution? 1-3 minutes
Creating your Presentation(3) The hard part is up to you – what content do you present? The only right or wrong answer comes at the end when everyone has to hear it. Be self-critical – if you presented what you have to yourself, would it make sense? Would you start doing pencil tattoos?
Structuring your Presentation Suggestion for an outline: 1. Introduction 2. Motivation or Background 3. Solution 4. Evaluation 5. Critique 6. Conclusion
Structuring your Presentation(2) Don’t bother with an outline slide Rule of thumb: 1-2 minutes per slide. So no more then 10 slides if you can help it Don’t end on a Questions slide or Blank Pet peeve of Rob
Structuring your Presentation(3) Outline what you want to say before you create your slides Make sure your points are reasonable in the time allowed Chop off stuff that just takes too long to explain Pictures, Diagrams, Charts They will help you maintain attention
Structuring your Presentation(4) Rule 10 slides 20 minutes Obviously doesn’t apply here Nothing less then 30 pt. font Your slides will not be notes, they’re guides Don’t put the paper on your slides
Delivery: The Basics Be presentable Guys: shave. Shower. Do your laundry. Make us want to listen Be confident Comes with preparation or self-delusion Command attention in your demeanour Show enthusiasm about your paper Opening scene in Patton
Delivery: The Basics(2) Be prepared Any problems in setup or getting started will rob you of your chutzpah. Speech: Slowly and Clearly You will tend to speak fast nervousness running out of time
Delivery: The Basics(3) Practice To finish bang on 9-10 minutes, you will need to rehearse. If you need to look at the slides or notes to remember what to say, you lose attention.
Delivery: What not to do Slides Don’t write full paragraphs Don’t put on your slides exactly what you’re going to say Don’t look at the screen during your talk!
Delivery: What not to do(2) Slides Slides –Use (without ABUSING) color –Don’t animate or have running animations during your talk Your slides are a backup to your talk They should not be taking the attention off of you or on what you’re saying
Delivery: What not to do(3) Delivery Don’t hide behind the podium Gripping the podium is even worse Avoid laser pointers whenever possible Don’t turn your back on your audience No matter how good you think your humps are
Delivery: What to do Delivery Pace yourself Keep a watch on hand you can look at Make a conscious effort to slow down. Don’t be distracted by your audience Don’t be distracted by Rob He may look like you said something wrong … but he just remembered he didn’t get his change back at Tim Horton’s.
Delivery: What to do(2) Delivery Know what you want to say Write your complete speech out Have a backup for brain-farts Be confident You will likely be the only one in the know Have fun Showing enthusiasm is a good thing Even if you have to fake it
Grading This is NOT official, but: Rob will likely mark you on three things Content Delivery Polish
Grading(2) Content The three questions What does the class take home? Delivery Did your presentation hurt or help your cause? Polish The “Daaaaamn!” factor
Labs Next Week: Monday Demos Wednesday Demos After next week, there will be no more labs in the course