VET Business Development
RMIT University©yyyy School/Department/Area 2 What we know – the current landscape Partly demand driven system (Diplomas /Adv Diplomas) All qualifications from CIV and below funded until 2011 Nominal amount of additional funding through PPP Currently most TAFE programs are delivered on campus Approximately 90% of the student cohort are through VTAC TAFE ageing workforce GFC
RMIT University©yyyy School/Department/Area 3 Where we are headed –policy drivers and industry needs Competitive and contestable marketplace “Securing Jobs for your Future” Funding for up-skilling the existing workforce Provision of both training solutions and accredited programs RMIT strategic plan and business priorities Integrated approach to VET and Higher Education Sustainable skills embedded in all training programs
RMIT University©yyyy School/Department/Area 4 Where do we want to be?! Training service provider, delivering education and training solutions Flexible learning, blended delivery and assessment Strategic accelerated program delivery … Public/ Private Partnerships Engaged in state & national workforce development strategies Globalisation
RMIT University©yyyy School/Department/Area 5 How do we get there? ?
RMIT University©yyyy School/Department/Area 6 Here are a few suggestions … Continue to build and shape staff- Capacity, Capability and Culture New and innovative program delivery strategies Support from GBD, Marketing and ODT Smart partnerships with industry
RMIT University©yyyy School/Department/Area 7 Who can help? - Business Development Working Group New working group authorised by VET committee to support business development Roles To define what business development is! Provide leadership on strategic and operational business development Support cross-institutional information sharing