Relating and Organizing Each one of us is a creator – world is not a finished product Active participants – composing world Organize world into meaningful patterns What is going on and what you ought to do Critical thinking – making sense of world Three ways – relating and organizing Chronological and process Comparative and analogical Causal
Grief – 5 stages of normal grief – not necessarily in order, different lengths of time in each Denial and isolation Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Comparative relationships Standards for comparison Not all factors are of equal importance – decision Pitfalls Incomplete comparisons Selective comparisons
Analogical relationships – comparison Analogy - not the same category – “An analogy is a comparison of certain similarities between things which are otherwise unlike.“ Simile – “A simile is the comparison of two unlike things using the word 'like' or 'as', e.g. an example of a simile would be as big as a bus.” Metaphor – “Implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common.”
Causal relationships – cause and effect relationships Cause – anything responsible for bringing about something else – effect Causal chains – one thing leads to another, leads to another, etc. Contributory causes – each cause contributes, serves to support Interactive causes – influence other factors
Assign #20: pg. 280-bottom, Thinking Activity, 8.1 – (due 3/4) Assign#21: pg. 282, paragraph in middle of page – quote by Laurence J. Peter – 1 paragraph of what you experienced – (due 3/4) Assign#22: pg. 290, Thinking Activity, 8.5, – (due 3/4)