ASU/TGen Computational Facility
10 TB Disk Array
1 NEC Earth-Simulator/ 5120 Earth Simulator Center Japan Earth Simulator Center 2 Hewlett-Packard ASCI Q - AlphaServer SC ES45/1.25 GHz/ 4096 Los Alamos National Laboratory 3 Hewlett-Packard ASCI Q - AlphaServer SC ES45/1.25 GHz/ 4096 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory 4 IBM ASCI White, SP Power3 375 MHz/ 8192 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 5 Linux Network MCR Linux Cluster Xeon 2.4 GHz - Quadrics/ 2304 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 50 NEC SX-6/128M16/ 128 NEC Fuchu Plant Japan NEC Fuchu Plant 51 Self-made Pentium Xeon Cluster 2.2 GHz - SCI 3D/ 400 National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) Sweden National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) 52 IBM SP Power3 375 MHz 8 way/ 1152 UCSD/San Diego Supercomputer Center UCSD/San Diego Supercomputer Center 53 Hitachi SR8000-F1/100/ 100 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEKHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEK Japan IBM894.9 Pentium Xeon Cluster (Only 384 nodes out of 512) ASU/TGen 54 Cray Inc T3E1200/ 1084 US Army HPC Research Center at NCSUS Army HPC Research Center at NCS 55 Fujitsu VPP5000/100/ 100 ECMWF UKECMWF 56 Hitachi SR8000/128/ 128 University of Tokyo Japan University of Tokyo