Dublin Institute of Technology How to Teach and Old Dog New Tricks: a model for developing online training
Dublin Institute of Technology Learning Technology Team Established May manager, 1 administrator and 3 designers Role… The education of faculty members in realising the potential of e-learning to produce pedagogically sound e-learning materials
Dublin Institute of Technology The approach taken to address the above issues will affect directly whether the initiative is accepted, reaches its full potential, and becomes part of the culture or not There is no simple way to adopt e-learning…it’s a complex and to a great extent doing it absolutely right is still an unknown process Implementing e-learning initiatives is inevitably linked to change and that this change can be broken down into 3 main categories: Technological change Pedagogical change Cultural change Background
Dublin Institute of Technology a means to an end… Background
Dublin Institute of Technology a means to an end… educational rather than technological… Background
Dublin Institute of Technology a means to an end… educational rather than technological… to add educational value… Background
Dublin Institute of Technology a means to an end… educational rather than technological… to add educational value… How? Background
Dublin Institute of Technology 1)Evaluation of need 2)Subsequent planning 3)Delivery of training 4)Evaluation Never-ending cycle… Developing & delivering training sessions is a never-ending cycle of 4 stages:
Dublin Institute of Technology Utilising expertise Learning Technology Team Learning and Teaching Centre Distance Education in association with and
Dublin Institute of Technology Training : Purpose? Two-fold 1)to support lecturers in preparing and developing pedagogically sound course materials for delivery in a virtual learning environment, and 2)to give lecturers an opportunity to experience the VLE WebCT
Dublin Institute of Technology Training : Structure & Support Session 1: The Student Experience Session 2: A Lecturer’s Experience Session 3: The Designer Experience Operates within an overall structure & is integral to the other support services offered by the LTT & LTC
Dublin Institute of Technology Background Implementing change is: “…a proces of interaction, dialogue, feedback, modifying objectives, recycling plans, coping with mixed feelings and values, pragmatism, micropolitics, frustraion, patience and muddle.” Everard and Morris,Effective School Management
Dublin Institute of Technology Contact Details Learning Technology Team: Kevin O’Rourke Dolores McManus Pauline Rooney Frances O’Brien Learning and Teaching Centre: Roisin Donnelly Distance Education: Jen Harvey