Iceland map:
Iceland, winter:
Iceland, volcanic rock: %B0ur_.JPG
Iceland, Eyjafjallajokull eruption:
Iceland, Eyjafjallajokull: _eruption_ jpg
Iceland, Geysir:
Iceland, geothermal power plant: g
Iceland, Dettifoss: pearls-and-attractions/dettifoss/
Iceland, hot springs:
Iceland, Vatnajokull glacier:
Iceland, Vestmannaeyjar, right behind the town: atlantic/iceland/vestmannaeyjar-iceland/
Iceland, Heimaey, crushed houses:
Iceland, Heimaey, building a new harbor:
Iceland, Surtsey:
Iceland, Heimaey hoses:
Iceland, Gullfoss falls: falls-iceland/
Iceland, bathymetry: Atlantic-topo.png
Iceland, laki eruption: laki-1783/
Iceland, laki eruption of 1783:
Iceland, plate boundary rift: ock/seafloor.htm
Iceland, Hekla: etail_from_map_of_Iceland_1585.jpg
Iceland, Hekla:
Iceland, Volcanic regions: Map-en.svg
Iceland: Atlantic_Ridge_Fig16.gif
Iceland, Jokulhaup (outpouring of glacial water):
Iceland, jokullhaup: eldgos/frodleikur/greinar/nr/699
Tristan de Cunha: place-on-earth.html
St. Peter and St. Paul rocks:
Azores: ores/tectonics.html
Azores: /Tarrants-treasured-islands.html
Afar hotspot: wonders-of-africa/