Peggy Simcic Brønn Chapter 4 Buyer information processing
Figure 4.1 Elements of information processing.
Peggy Simcic Brønn I. Personality zInner properties of each individual zTwo main approaches: yFreudian theory yTrait theory
Peggy Simcic Brønn Freudian theory zMotivating needs -- 2 primary instincts, life and death zPersonality consists of id, superego and ego (psychoanalytic theory) zPsychoanalytic theory criticism ytoo vague, unresponsive to environment, too reliant on early development of person yverification and substantiation nearly impossible
Peggy Simcic Brønn Trait theory zEmpirical perspective, measuring and quantifying personality zPersonality tests resulting in labels zRelationships between broad traits and general styles of behavior zQualititative + quantitative approach, can determine psychographic variables
Peggy Simcic Brønn Psychographics: Lifestyle Analysis Psychographics: sociological study of how individuals choose to allocate their time, energy and money. Activities Interests Opinions Demographics
Peggy Simcic Brønn VALS 2 (VALUES AND LIFESTYLES SYSTEMS) -- Basic Categories Principle - oriented: guided by their view of how the world should be Status - oriented: guided by actions and opinions of others Action - oriented: guided by desire for social or physical activity, variety, risk-taking
Peggy Simcic Brønn VALS 2: Available Resources Relevant to Psychographic Profiles Education Income Health Energy Level Self Confidence Degree of Consumerism
Fulfilleds Believers Actualizers Achievers Strivers Strugglers Experiencers Makers Abundant Resources Minimal Resources Values and Lifestyles 2 (VALS 2) (Stanford Research Institute) Principle- Oriented Status- Oriented Action- Oriented
Peggy Simcic Brønn II. Perception zHow individual see and make sense of their environment yPerceptual selection yPerceptual organization xfigure-ground xgrouping xclosure xcontour yPerceptual interpretation
Peggy Simcic Brønn III. Learning zBehavioral learning -- a process that is a function of a person’s acquisition of responses -- stimulus-response yClassical conditioning xlearning is an associative process that occurs with an existing relationship between a response and a stimulus yOperant conditioning xlearning occurs as a result of an individual operating or acting on some part of the environment
Peggy Simcic Brønn zCognitive learning -- individuals attempt to control their immediate environments: iconic rote, modeling, reasoning.
Peggy Simcic Brønn IV. Attitudes zPredisposition, shaped through experience, to respond in an anticipated way to an object of stimulation. zComponents yCognitive (learn) yAffective (feel) yConative (do)
Peggy Simcic Brønn Multiattribute Model The Multiattribute Model measures a consumers’ overall attitude toward a brand 1.) The consumer’s evaluation of individual brand or product attributes. 2.) The consumer’s ideal for those attributes. 3.) The importance the consumer assigns to each attribute.
Peggy Simcic Brønn V. Environmental influences zCulture zSub-cultures zSocial class zGroups zSituational influences yUsage yPurchase yCommunications