® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Introduction to UMFK Academics For Business Students Tony Gauvin, Assistant Professor of eCommerce University of Maine at Fort Kent ® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK
Agenda Presenter Introduction The Business Faculty The Programs Concentrations Recipe for Academic Success Recipe for Professional Success Words of Wisdom This presentation is available for viewing and download
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Tony Gauvin A Quick Resume
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Education Fort Kent Community High School, 1976 University of Maine at Orono, Mechanical Engineering, US Naval Aviation Technical Training Center, Advanced Electronics, US Naval Advanced Aviation Weaponry Schools, F-14, A-6E, F-18, A-7, AV-8C Special weapons (now called WMDs) St Mary’s College of Maryland, Mathematics & Computer Science, 1984 University of Maine at Fort Kent, BS in Computer Applications, University of Maine at Orono, MS in Computer Science, Franklin Pierce College (NH), MBA (started in 2000 then moved to Maine in 2001) Graduate Certificate in Information Assurance Education from Purdue University, 2003 Baker College, Flint MI, MBA, 2005
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Career Odd jobs, Fort Kent, Maine US Navy, AQ1(AW), TN, MD, VA, 6 th Fleet Strike, NATC, MD Medium Attack Wing, VA DynCorp Aerospace, Field Engineer, ME, MD, & Korea Research Assistant (Artificial Intelligence), UM Webmaster, Computer Science Department UM Orono Dexter Shoes, Network Manager, ME , ElephantX dot com, VP of Software and Operations, NH and NYC , University of Maine at Fort Kent, Instructor of Computer Applications 2002-present, University of Maine at Fort Kent, Assistant Professor of E-Commerce
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Interests and Hobbies Distributed Computing Networks & Network Security E-Commerce Technology in Education Strategic Management Francophone Motorcycles & Sports Cars Tony’s Toys
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Future Goals Finish Ph.d (as soon I figure what area) Develop an Information Assurance Program in Maine Curriculum developed and approved CIAG lab built Ride my FLHTCUI coast to coast Got as far as Montana in 2002 Will try again next summer (2005) Build Custom Bikes 2001 FLHTCUI Geezer Glide 1987 FLST-S (almost done) ” Stroker Shovelhead Harley ” Stroker Ironhead Harley “Trick out” my TT
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Business Faculty Brad Ritz, Associate Professor of Business and Economics Accounting, Economics, Finance Roger Roy, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Business Operations Management, Financial Planning. Negotiations, Human Resources Tony Gauvin, Assistant Professor of eCommerce eCommerce, eMarketing, Project Management, Strategic Management, Leadership Studies Leo Trudel, Assistant Professor of Business Small Business Management, Tactical management, Investments, Sales
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Adjunct Faculty John Woodward Business Law Henry Carbone Real Estate, Insurance, Taxation Luis Sanclemente Accounting
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Business Related Degrees at UMFK (current) BS Business Management Courses Offered Next Semester Courses Offered Next Semester Computer Applications Courses Offered Next Semester Courses Offered Next Semester BS in Ecommerce BS in Ecommerce Courses Offered Next Semester BS in Rural Public Safety Administration BS in Rural Public Safety Administration Courses Offered Next Semester
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Business Concentrations UMFK has Six new Business concentration in came in effect Fall 2005 Human Resource management Financial Services Real Estate, Insurance, Personal Financial Planner Finance Accounting CPA prep Small Business Management Marketing Grid for Course Work Down the road a bit Resort Management UMFK is also applying for international accreditation of the Business and eCommerce degrees programs under International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE).
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Recipe for Academic Success Classroom Success Program Success Graduation Success
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Classroom Success Read Material BEFORE the class discussion Check Electronic Communications Often Use the additional resources identified in syllabus ASK questions about what you didn’t understand in readings DON’T do assignments and projects at last minute. REVEIW lectures and notes Seek HELP if you are having difficulties OFFER feedback and suggestions to the instructor in a constructive manner
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Program Success Meet with your academic advisor often Make sure you have the right advisor! Be Aware of the academic requirements for your program of study Your contact is the College Catalog whenever you first entered into UMFK Make sure your academic schedule is keeping you on track every semester UMFK is a small college, not every course is offered every semester General Education courses are generally offered every semester or at least once a year Review syllabi for courses before signing up Online From Faculty From Academic Affairs Office Check with your fellow students of upcoming classes
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Graduation Success Apply for your degree a least two semesters before your intend to graduate Start Checking out Job Market by beginning of your Junior Year Locality Career Choice Monster.Com Newspapers Get letters of recommendation from key faculty in your senior year HIGH STRESS Don’t take HIGH STRESS Courses in your last semester
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Recipe for Professional Success The Resume The Interview The first day on the Job Life Long Learning Attitude
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK The resume Keep your resume (C.V.) current Nobody works for a company for 20 years anymore Expect at least 5 major changes in your career before you retire Expect one major change in the 1 ST five years after you graduate The resume should fit the Job description The cover letter should be unique to the company The purpose of the resume and cover letter is to get you the interview
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK The Interview Dress like you already belong Expect the unexpected Bring materials Resume and cover letters Portfolio of Work Do research on the company Financial performance Marketing Know the prevailing wage rate Salary Expert Salary Wizard Ask about benefits
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK The First Day on the Job First Impressions are everything Be eager but not a “Pain” Accomplish something Ask for a tough assignment Make a friend Don’t be afraid to ask questions Find a mentor
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Life Long Learning In today’s job market you are either moving up moving out Read Trade Magazines Take Courses Get a Graduate Degree In tomorrow job market everyone will have a college degree…a Master’s will be required for Executive Management Go to Seminars Read Self-Improvement Books Embrace technology Embrace Diversity Learn to Communicate Effectively
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Attitude Succeeding in Life, School and your Professional Career is all about Attitude Hard Work and Dedication wins every time Have a 5/10/20 year strategic plan for your life Update often Pursue your goals Have a financial plan for living and retiring It is never too soon to do retirement planning Establish good habits
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Words of Wisdom "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent..." Calvin Coolidge 30th President of the United States
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Words of Wisdom “Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.” Vince Lombardi Famous Football Coach
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Word of Wisdom "The best way to predict your future is to create it." Unknown
® 2005, Tony Gauvin, UMFK Questions?? ext ext ext Ext. 7567