Paper Review:"New Insight into Smile, Mispricing, and Value at Risk: The Hyperbolic Model" by E. Eberlein, U. Keller and K. Prause (1998). Anatoliy Swishchuk “Lunch at the Lab” Talk February 10, 2005
The Hyperbolic Density
Fitted Densities
Modelling Financial Assets (The most general Form )
The Hyperbolic Levy Motion is a Pure Jump Process
Drawback of the Model
Reformulation of the Model
Solution of the Basic Model
The Hyperbolic Model Infinitely Divisible A Levy Process (stationary and independent increments) Moment generating function is
Incomplete Market
Martingale Approach
Option Pricing
Comparison of Option Prices
Three-Dimensional Comparison
Black-Scholes Implicit Volatilities
Implicit Hyperbolic Volatility
Characteristic Function for the Levy Process
Martingale Measure
The Price Measure (density)
Choosing Parameter Theta
Calculating Theta to Define Martingale Measure I.
Calculating Theta to Define Martingale Measure II.
Calculating Theta to Define Martingale Measure III.
References I
References II Eberlein E, Keller U. (1995) Hyperbolic Distributions in Finance, Bernoulli, 1,
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