SDI in Slovenia Simon Vrečar, Thessaloniki, 5.2.2009.


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Presentation transcript:

SDI in Slovenia Simon Vrečar, Thessaloniki,


Centre for Knowledge Transfer CEKTRA NGO Members from –Private and public sector –Joining Business Research Education Facilitating the use of digital content References –Local organizer of INSPIRE 2008 conference –Education –Support at applying for EU and national grants

Content SDI in Slovenia - general overview –National level (NUTS 0 / NUTS 1) Other examples –National level (NUTS 0 / NUTS 1) GERK –Regional level (NUTS 2 / NUTS 3) –Private iniciative

Spatial data Public –Ministry of environment and spatial planning –Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (SMA) ( ) –Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (EAS) ( ) –Statistical office, Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia ( ) –Ministry Of Agriculture, Forestry and Food –Ministry for public authority –Other Ministries and governmental agencies Local communities and utility companies Private –Commercial data and services providers INSPIRE –Annex 1 SMA, EAS, Ministry of Transport –Annex 2 SMA, EAS, Geological Survey –Annex 3....

Legal status – rules – in general No particular law on SDI at the moment in Slovenia. SDI is based on –Strategy of e-business in public administration in Slovenia 2001 – 2004 –Recording of Real Estate, State Border and Spatial Units Act –Act of electronic commerce and electronic signature –Act of Spatial Planning –Copyright and Related Rights Act –Act on the Access to Information of Public Character –Access to public sector information Act –Law on Personal Data Protection –... Implementation of INSPIRE directive into national legalisation New legislation in preparation –Environmental protection law –Law about Slovenian geo-information infrastructure

Organization No official body responsible for SDI Governmental group – committee –Coordination of implementation INSPIRE project group within MESP –Monitoring and reporting –Implementation into national legislation Slovenian representative into Permanent Committee for INSPIRE –Coordination and communication with EU Commission

Metadata in general Existing services: –Surveying and Mapping Authority of Republic of Slovenia –Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia

Data exchange – Ministry of the Interior –Central register of population Agency for Public Legal Records and Related Services –Slovenian Business Register –Register of Non-Possessory Liens and Seized Movable Property Supreme court –Land registry

Online access & WFS – Online access –Ministry of the Interior –Ministry of Finance –Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food –Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning –Mistry of Education and Sport –Ministry of Defense –Agency for Public Legal Records and Related Services –Taxation Administration of the Republic of Slovenia –Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia –e-Government –e-Vem (one stop shop) –public WFS –Ministry of Finance –Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food –Environmnetal Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

Portals / e-Services Web map viewer – Environmental atlas – Prostor ( ) –Central Evidence of Spatial Metadata –E-access to surveying data –Data ordering –SIGNAL network-Permanent GPS stations data –Data about value of real estate Other portals – – –

GERK NUTS level NUTS 0 / NUTS 1 Mission and objectives 1) a creation of a farm registry, containing the data regarding specific fields which are operated by the farm (including a spatial location of those fields and a type of usage) 2) use of the farm data in all procedures related to farming subventions (IACS, single payment scheme, etc). These include submission of applications, on-the-spot controls, controls with remote sensing, etc. 3) use of the farm data in all processes related to agriculture (animal identification and registration, disease outbreaks, forestry service, land use, etc.) 4) creation of data structure with all information related to the agriculture in Slovenia and the service for accessing and modification of these data in order to make it possible for all agriculture-related organizations to use the same data and infrastructure Funding Budget Legitimacy Ministry of agriculture, forestry and food Year 2005 Partners / mechanisms Ministry of agriculture, forestry and food – legislation Surveying and Mapping authority of Republic of Slovenia – legislation Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia – legislation Dev. status In operation URL Users Farmers, local municipality officers, Paying Agency, inspectors, European Commission, Forestry service, Veterinary service, Phythosanitary service, State mapping authority Metadata No metadat within GERK, metadata in Central evidence (CEN, ISO 19115, DC compliant) NUTS level NUTS 2 / NUTS 3 Mission and objectives The has been established as the basic aim of the "Cross Border Region Goes Digital" project (INTERREG/PHARE). The forming spatial and real-estate information centre for supporting small and middle sized business can assure complex support in all spatial and real estate activities to citizens, economic operators, public services in Municipality of Maribor, and, in perspective, to other municipalities in larger area of Maribor. From this point of view, the forming of such GEO centre seems to be an important basis that can assure - with the potential cooperation of other municipalities of the region - information and analytical support also in future years. Funding Municipalities, Charges Legitimacy Public Company for Management of Building Sites Maribor Year 2005 Partners / mechanisms Municipality of Maribor and another 21 municipalities close to Maribor – Agreement within project Surveying and Mapping Authority - legislation Municipal services - legislation Municipal public companies – legislation Dev. status In operation URL Users Municipalities, Municipal services, Public companies, Private companies, Potential investors, Citizens Metadata Metadata directly linked to the Central evidence (CEN, ISO 19115, DC compliant) NUTS level NUTS 2 / NUTS 3 Mission and objectives Geopedia is a web-based free atlas, which can be edited an extended by its users – members of the general public. It contains various kinds of geographical and geo-referenced information that come from many different sources and are thoroughly described, tagged, cross-referenced and categorized. With a user-friendly web interface, it is easy to find items of interest – either through full text search or via hierarchically organized categories – and display them on interactive maps, which can be saved for later viewing and manipulation. Users can define and publish new layers with custom styling and textual descriptions, aggregate related layers into custom maps and associate them with other sources of information. Its advanced browser- based geometry editor allows anyone to insert new geographical features or edit existing ones making Geopedia a true collaborative on-line GIS with a potential of becoming an important source of user- generated geographical content. Funding Cosylab Inc. Legitimacy N/A Year 2007 Partners / mechanisms Cosylab Inc. Surveying and Mapping Authority of RS Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Umanotera Dev. status In operation URL Users General public Metadata Some description of datasets

Thank You for your attention! CEKTRA – Centre for Knowledge Transfer Slovenska 21 SI – 2000 Maribor Office in Maribor Slomškov trg 3 SI – 2000 Maribor Office in Ljubljana Šmartinska 106 SI – 1000 Ljubljana e-Contacts General info: INSPIRE: Me: