Hadron Physics (I3HP) activities Hadron Physics (I3HP) is part of Integrated Activity of 6’th European Framework. Contract has a form of consortium of Integrated Infrastructure Initiative with acronym Hadron Physics. Signed in march 2007 by 49 European Institutions Duration time is 48 months : Consist of : Network Activities, Transnational Access and Joint Research Activities (JRA). There are 12 JRA We, Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, Silesia University (W.Zipper) and Warsaw University (B.Sikora), take part in JRA1 ; ”Future DataAcQusition”..+ KFKI Budapest JRA4: Gasous detectors (Kraków)
„JRA1: Future DAQ” New DAQ architectures for future Hadron Physics Experiments (PANDA-Kraków and Continuous data sampling with large frequencies (<100 MHz) Autonomous feature extractions in individual detectors: (track finding, particle identification, shower detection etc.) Triggering based on high-level information: displaced vertex: D- meson, invariant mass reconstruction (J/ -> + - ), particle species ( ,e, ,..). Future PC market technologies: wide-band computer networks (>1 Gbit ethernet, fast switches), computer nodes (System on Chip),... On going tasks (Polish groups): discrete event simulation, trigger algorithms, feature extraction
Example of considered architecture
SIS 100 Tm SIS 300 Tm U: 35 AGeV p: 90 GeV Cooled antiproton beam: Hadron Spectroscopy Compressed Baryonic Matter The future international accelerator facility The future international accelerator facility
Hadron GSI PANDA: pp at GeV/c (colled p p/p=10 -5 ) charmonium spectroscopy D meson in medium (chiral restauration) Single and double Hypernuclei glueballs and charmed extotic states 10 7 inter/sec ( L=10 32 cm -2 s -1 ) 40 GB/s Solenoid, vertex pixel detectors, central tracking, el-calorimetr, forward spectrometer Hadron ID: π, K, , p Lepton ID: e, μ photons
Hadron CBM: Study of highly compressed baryonic matter in HI collisions (8, 40 AGeV): Simultanous measurement of : Light vector mesons ( / / ) via dielectrons Charmonium states: J/ and D mesons Multistrange hyperons Flow observables 10 7 inter/sec(Au+Au) 500 GB/s Dipol, vertex pixel, RICH, TRD, RPC Hadron ID: π, K, p Lepton ID: e, μ
Construction: upgrade of Construction stage 1 of the International Accelerator Facility - Darmstadt Ion Research and Antiproton Center - for the 6’th European Framework SIS18 upgrade, R3B dipol magnet, HADES upgrade 3 years project: decision expected by end of this year HADES upgrade towards 8AGeV : HADES already existing and working dielectron spectrometer at SIS 1-2AGeV Upgrade: RPC TOF wall, Forward Spectrometer, Trigger and DAQ:...+Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University, Nuclear Physics Institute in Rež, Academy of Science of Czech Republic,+...
Side View START p, , A HADES at 1-2 AGeV SIS: In-medium properties of the light vector mesons ( / / ) via dielectrons in HI and pA/ A collisions Electromagnetic structure of hadrons: em. form-factors elementary sources of dielectron production in pp, pn and p collisions Physics runs started in 2002 (JU Kraków, SAS Bratislava, CAS Rez,...)