4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin UW-CIMSS MURI Management UW-CIMSS MURI Management & Progress Report Wayne Feltz (Program Manager) MURI Research Update UW & UH Co-Investigator Interactions Research Timeline for UW–MURI Overall Status Progress Reports: The UW & other Co-Is
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Hyperspectral WBS & Personnel Allocation MURI Clouds & Cloud Modeling Retrieval Algorithms Ocean Emiss. Modeling Forward Modeling PBL Winds Numerical Modeling Land Surface Modeling Stability & Turbulence Surface Characterization Dust & Visibility Allen Huang (PI) Wayne F. Feltz (PM) Jun Li Wang Xuanji Dave Tobin Leslie Moy, Jim Davies Steve Ackerman R. Dengel, D. Stettner Chris Velden, B. Huang Wayne Feltz Kris Bedka Paul van Delst Jason Otkin Ping Yang (UT A&M) G. Jedlovec (UAH) Paul Lucey (UH-HIGH) Robert Knuteson Suzanne Seeman Eva Borbas UW-CIMSS Support Staff: Hal Woolf, Elizabeth Weise, Erik Olson, Dave Santek, Kevin Baggett, Tom Rink, Tom Whittaker Students: Ryan Aschbrenner Benjamin Johnson seeking others 1st Order 2nd Order
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin MURI Highlights 1st Phase (Years 1-3) Reviewed and Optional 2nd Phase (Year 4-5) granted funding Basic research will be honed for hyperspectral meteorological applications during Years 4-5 Leveraging with other hyperspectral funding (GOES-R Risk Reduction) to support general Navy, NOAA, and NASA hyperspectral science More than 20 conference papers and 6 journal papers published with MURI related efforts
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Tasks for UW-MURI 1 Mathematical Quantification of Useful Hyperspectral Information 2 Radiative Transfer Modeling Clear and Cloudy Sky Emission/Absorption Atmospheric Particulate Emission/Absorption Surface Emission/Absorption Adjoint & Linear Tangent 3 Mathematical Retrieval Algorithm Development Atmospheric Parameters Suspended Particulate Detection and Quantification Sea Surface Temperature Surface Material Identification 4 Product Research Ocean and Land Surface Characterization Lower Tropospheric Temperature, Moisture and Winds Surface Material Products Aerosols Derived (Second Order) Products Visibility New Additions (in Red)
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Progress Reports: The UW & UH Co-Is NWP in support of Simulating Hyperspectral data Information Content “Clear Sky” RTE Development Hyperspectral Clear/Cloudy Retrievals Simulated Measurements Derived Winds & Atmospheric Parameters; SST UW–CIMSS: UH–HIGP: AHI field experiments & hyperspectral modeling Surface Emissivity
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin New Science Applications Science Use of GIFTS Data: Where do we stand today? Simulating GIFTS data Fast Model development Information Content First Retrievals (T, q, wind) Convection & Stability Data Assimilation Studies Estimating Visibility Cloud Properties Dust & Aerosol Retrievals Estimating Turbulence UW-MURI Y0 Y1Y2Y3-Y5 Y4-Y5
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Forward Modeling Work “ LBLRTM based PLOD fast model” LBLRTM runs: HITRAN ‘96 + JPL extended spectral line parameters CKD v2.4 H 2 O continuum Spectral Characteristics: ~ cm-1 ~ cm MOPD Kaisser Bessel #6 apodization Fast Model: 32 profiles from NOAA database 6 view angles AIRS 100 layers Fixed, H 2 O, and O 3 AIRS PLOD predictors Run time: ~0.8 Sec on a 1 GHz CPU Temp. Ozone Surface Type Water Vapor Dust/Aerosol Temp. CO
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin MURI Hyperspectral Cloud/Aerosol/Haze Radiative Transfer Modeling
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Completed a high-resolution MM5 simulation of an intense upper- tropospheric jet streak that occurred over the north-central Pacific during the 2003 THORPEX field study. This simulated atmosphere was passed through the GIFTS forward model to obtain top of atmosphere radiances. GIFTS Spectrum: Clear Sky Installed and successfully performed several multiple-processor Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations. Ongoing work involves comparing WRF and MM5 model output to determine the ability of the WRF model to simulate the fine-scale water structure during a convective initiation event. MURI Hyperspectral Modeling Activities
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Clear sounding retrieval –Regression and –Regularization (physical retrieval) Cloudy Sounding retrieval –Hole hunting for single FOV –Cloud clearing using imager/sounder (ABI/HES, MODIS/AIRS are be used for testing the algorithm) –Cloudy regression Hyperspectral Clear/Cloudy Sounding Retrieval
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin 1.Cube study 2. MODIS/AIRS demonstration (IHOP, June 12, 2002) AIRS Single FOV RTV vs. ECMWF Analysis : TPW , granule 192, daytime
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Simulated GIFTS winds (left) versus GOES current oper winds (right) GIFTS - IHOP simulation 1830z 12 June 02 GOES-8 winds 1655z 12 June 02 Hyperspectral Winds Retrieval
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Hyperspectral NAST-I/S-HIS Retrievals PTOST and ATOST Campaigns Scanning HIS Relative Humidity and Cloud Phase Lidar cloud boundaries MODIS Airborne Simulator
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin UW-CIMSS Satellite Convective Storm Nowcasting GOES-12 1 km Visible and 4 km Imager: 4 May 2003 Convective Cloud Mask Nowcast Time Multi-spectral Techniques Cloud-top Cooling Estimates Using Satellite-Derived Winds Identify pre-CI signatures in GOES Visible and IR data using: 1) convective cloud masking 2) multi-spectral band differencing techniques 3) cloud-top temperature trend assessments Develop CI nowcasts (0-1 hour) by accumulating pre-CI satellite indicators attributed to the first occurrence of a ≥ 30 dBZ radar echo Incorporate Satellite-Based Convective Cloud Analyses for Nowcasting Convective Initiation (CI) CI Nowcast Algorithm Red: CI Nowcasts Grey: Cirrus Anvil Doppler Radar for Validation 1 Hour Later
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Land Surface Temperature from AIRS DOE Southern Great Plains ARM site temperature contrast. B.T. (K) UW Online/ Offline Ts (K)
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Skin Temperature and Emissivity Correction Terra MODIS TPW (mm) for August 24, 2002 in the Sahara Desert region NCEP-GDAS MODIS: new Skin T & emis MODIS: old (NOAA88) skin T & emis
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin UW-Navy Hardware Investments * UW HSSP Parallel Computing System Objective: In support of a government/industry Broad Scope of Hyperspectral Activities System General Specification $ Computing Cluster 72 AMD Opteron CPU (64 bits) 16 SGI Itanium CPU (64 bits) $360K Server & Storage 48 Terabytes $100K Grand Total $460K * ONR DURIP Award
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin STATUS The UW & UH MURI is a healthy research collaboration which includes two other external investigators We are through our proposed Year 3 and have been granted funding for two optional years of MURI work. We are progressing on many fronts, from RTE and toward atmospheric/surface applications development We are using the simulated GIFTS and operational AIRS/NAST- I/S-HIS data and and our rapidly implementing the new knowledge gained through this grant towards future hyperspectral applications More investigator details to follow
4 th Annual Workshop on Hyperspectal Meteorological Science of UW MURI, GIFTS,and GOES-R April 2004, Madison, Wisconsin Today 1:45 2:05 pm Clear Forward Models & linear operators L. Moy 2:05 2:25 pm Cloudy Fast Forward Model J. Davies 2:25 2:45 pm Simulated Profiles Retrievals: Clear & Cloudy J. Li 4:50 5:30 pm IMAPP AIRS Sounding Demonstration Baggett/Weisz Tomorrow 8:30-8:50 am Multiple Spectral and Hyperspectral Wind Demonstration Velden/Huang 8:50-9:10 am Demonstration of 3D Water Vapor Tracked Winds B. Huang 9:10-9:30 am Training database for Hyperspectral …Applications S. Seemann 9:30-9:50 am Hyperspectral cloud boundary retrieval R. Holz 10:10-10:30 am Hyperspectral Land Surface Modeling & Retrieval R. Knuteson 10:30-10:50 am Infrared Sea Surface Emissivity (IRSSE) Model P. Van Delst 10:50-11:10 am Hyperspectral Applications for Aviation W. Feltz 11:10-11:30 am Automatic GOES Nowcasting of Convective Initiation K. Bedka 11:30-12:00 pm Hyperspectral Signature Survey: Fire Plumes,.. Clouds D. Tobin 1:00-1:45 pm UW Hyperspectral Sounder Simulator & Processor A. Huang 2:30-3:20 pm Hyperspectral Visualization Demonstration Rink/Tobin SSEC MURI Presentations