Operating System Design for Tiny Networked Sensors David Culler Computer Science Division U.C. Berkeley
4/2001TinyOS2 Emerging Microscopic Devices CMOS “stuff” is not just Moore’s law Micro Electical Mechanical Systems (MEMS) –rich array of sensors are becoming cheap and tiny Imagine, all sorts of chips that are connected to the physical world and to cyberspace! LNA mixer PLL baseband filters I Q Low-power Wireless Communication with Pister
4/2001TinyOS3 Disaster Management Circulatory Net What can you do with them? Embed many distributed devices to monitor and interact with physical world Network these devices so that they can coordinate to perform higher-level tasks. => Requires robust distributed systems of hundreds or thousands of devices. Habitat Monitoring
4/2001TinyOS4 Characteristics of Network Sensors Small physical size and low power consumption Concurrency-intensive operation –multiple flows, not wait-command-respond Limited Physical Parallelism and Controller Hierarchy –primitive direct-to-device interface –Asynchronous and synchronous devices Diversity in Design and Usage –application specific, not general purpose –huge device variation => efficient modularity => migration across HW/SW boundary Robust Operation –numerous, unattended, critical => narrow interfaces sensors actuators network storage
4/2001TinyOS5 Outline Motivation for exploring a Tiny OS Tiny wireless sensor experimental platform Basics of TinyOS with Demo Dig deeper into execution model Emerging layers of abstraction Directions for exploration Wrap-up
4/2001TinyOS6 Isun Motherboard: Processor Core Atmel AVR Clock speed: 4 MHz Memory –8 Kbytes of program memory (flash) –512 bytes of data RAM –512 bytes of EEPROM on chip (write: 4 ms/byte) –32 8 bit registers IO capabilities –32 general purpose IO lines »Some lines also serve more specialized purposes, e.g. UART »10-bit 8-channel ADC –Connector interface means that the IO lines serve a more specific purposes Interrupts –No interrupt queuing
4/2001TinyOS7 Radio Circuit RFM Monolithics TR MHz radio –On/off keying at 10 kbps (max kbps) –Capable of 115 kbps using amplitude shift keying –Capable of turning on in 30 us »Low-power listening by switching on and off on a sub-bit granularity Processor interface –RFM CNTRL 0 and 1 – switch between transmit, receive, and sleep –Raw, unbuffered access to transmit (RFM TX) and receive (RFM RX) –Requires DC balanced signal – an equal number of 1’s and 0’s in the signal –Sampling on reception and modulating on transmission done is software »Too much noise in received signal to use UART for sampling »too little flexibility offered by UART »Imposes real time constraints on the system Power usage –Transmit current: 7 mA –Receive current: 4.5 mA –Sleep: 5 uA
4/2001TinyOS8 Expansion Connector Documented hardware interface –Swap components on either side of the connector while preserving investment in sensors or main boards Sensor interfaces –4 lines dedicated to switching components on and off –7 analog voltage sensing lines –2 I 2 C busses –SPI –UART lines Debugging aids –All radio-related signals: RX, TX, base band, control signals, signal strength Programming interfaces –SPI and reset signals for the main processor and the coprocessor Ground, Vcc for both analog and digital circuits 12 lines reserved for future use
4/2001TinyOS9 Sensor Boards Basic Sensor Proto –Photo resistor – PW1 and ADC1 –Thermistor – PW2 and ADC2 –Prototyping area Vibration Sensor –Photo resistor: PW1 and ADC1 –Thermistor: PW4, ADC6 –2 axis accelerometer: ADC2 and 3, PW2 –Digital temperature: I2C Bus 1 2 axis magnetometer –Convert magnetic fields into a differential output –Field range -2 to +2 gauss –Sensitivity 3.2mV/V/gauss –Resolution: 27 gauss at 10Hz –Bandwidth: 5MHz
4/2001TinyOS10 Isun Networked Sensor 1” x 1.5” motherboard –ATMEL 4Mhz, 8bit MCU, 512 bytes RAM, 8K pgm flash –900Mhz Radio (RF Monolithics) ft. range –ATMEL network pgming assist –Radio Signal strength control and sensing –I2C EPROM (logging) –Base-station ready –stackable expansion connector »all ports, i2c, pwr, clock… Several sensor boards –basic protoboard –tiny weather station (temp,light,hum,press) –vibrations (acc, temp,...) –accelerometers –magnetometers
4/2001TinyOS11 Basic Power Breakdown… But what does this mean? –Lithium Battery runs for 35 hours at peak load and years at minimum load! »three orders of magnitude difference! –A one byte transmission uses the same energy as approx cycles of computation. –Idleness is not enough, sleep! ActiveIdleSleep CPU5 mA2 mA5 μA Radio7 mA (TX)4.5 mA (RX)5 μA EE-Prom3 mA00 LED’s4 mA00 Photo Diode200 μA00 Temperature200 μA00 Panasonic CR mAh
4/2001TinyOS12 A Operating System for Tiny Devices? Traditional approaches –command processing loop (wait request, act, respond) –monolithic event processing –bring full thread/socket posix regime to platform Alternative –provide framework for concurrency and modularity –never poll, never block –interleaving flows, events, energy management –allow appropriate abstractions to emerge
4/2001TinyOS13 TOS Approach Stylized programming model with extensive static information –Program = graph of TOS components –TOS component = command/event interface + behavior Rich expression of concurrency –Events propagate across many components –Tasks provide internal concurrency Regimented storage management Current implementation is very simple Broad range of alternative execution mechanisms
4/2001TinyOS14 Tiny OS Concepts Scheduler + Graph of Components –constrained two-level scheduling model: threads + events Component: –Commands, –Event Handlers –Frame (storage) –Tasks (concurrency) Constrained Storage Model –frame per component, shared stack, no heap Very lean multithreading Efficient Layering Messaging Component init Power(mode) TX_packet(buf) TX_pack et_done (success ) RX_pack et_done (buffer) Internal State init power(mode) send_msg (addr, type, data) msg_rec(type, data) msg_sen d_done) internal thread Commands Events
4/2001TinyOS15 Application = Component Graph RFM Radio byte Radio Packet UART Serial Packet ADC Tempphoto Active Messages clocks bit byte packet Route map routersensor appln application HW SW Example: ad hoc, multi-hop routing of photo sensor readings
4/2001TinyOS16 Storage Breakdown (C Code) 3450 B code 226 B data
4/2001TinyOS17 Empirical Breakdown of Effort can take apart time, power, space, … 50 cycle thread overhead, 10 cycle event overhead Components Packet reception work breakdown Percent CPU UtilizationEnergy (nj/Bit) AM 0.05%0.20%0.33 Packet 1.12%0.51%7.58 Radio handler 26.87%12.16% Radio decode thread 5.48%2.48%37.2 RFM 66.48%30.08% Radio Reception Idle-54.75%- Total %
4/2001TinyOS18 TOS Execution Model commands request action –ack/nack at every boundary –call cmd or post task events notify occurrence –HW intrpt at lowest level –may signal events –call cmds –post tasks Tasks provide logical concurrency –preempted by events Migration of HW/SW boundary RFM Radio byte Radio Packet bit byte packet event-driven bit-pump event-driven byte-pump event-driven packet-pump message-event driven active message application comp encode/decode crc data processing
4/2001TinyOS19 Dynamics of Events and Threads bit event filtered at byte layer bit event => end of byte => end of packet => end of msg send thread posted to start send next message radio takes clock events to detect recv
4/2001TinyOS20 Event-Driven Sensor Data clock event handler initiates data collection sensor signals data ready event data event handler calls output command common pattern char TOS_EVENT(SENS_OUTPUT_CLOCK_EVENT)(){ return TOS_CALL_COMMAND(SENS_GET_DATA)(); } char TOS_EVENT(SENS_DATA_READY)(int data){ TOS_CALL_COMMAND(SENS_OUTPUT_OUTPUT)((data >> 2) &0x7); return 1; }
4/2001TinyOS22 Asynchronous Sensor Interface TOS_MODULE PHOTO; JOINTLY IMPLEMENTED_BY PHOTO; ACCEPTS{ char PHOTO_INIT(void); char PHOTO_GET_DATA(void); char PHOTO_PWR(char mode); }; SIGNALS{ char PHOTO_DATA_READY(int data); }; USES{ char SUB_ADC_INIT(void); char SUB_ADC_GET_DATA(char port); }; HANDLES{ char PHOTO_ADC_DONE(int data); }; system/PHOTO.desc
4/2001TinyOS23 Active Messages Sending –Declare buffer storage in a frame –Request Transmission –Naming a handler –Handle Completion signal Receiving –Declare a handler –Firing a handler »automatic upon arrival of corresponding message »behaves like any other event Buffer management –strict ownership exchange –tx: done event => reuse –rx: must rtn a buffer –built-in wrapper TOS_FRAME_BEGIN(INT_TO_RFM_frame) { char pending; TOS_Msg msg; } TOS_FRAME_END(INT_TO_RFM_frame);
4/2001TinyOS24 Send Message c har TOS_COMMAND(INT_TO_RFM_OUTPUT)(int val){ int_to_led_msg* message = (int_to_led_msg*)VAR(msg).data; if (!VAR(pending)) { message->val = val; if (TOS_COMMAND(INT_TO_RFM_SUB_SEND_MSG)(TOS_MSG_BCAST, AM_MSG(INT_READING), &VAR(msg))) { VAR(pending) = 1; return 1; } return 0; } msg buffer access appln msg buffer cast to defined format mark busy application specific ready check build msg request transmission destination identifier get handler identifier
4/2001TinyOS25 Completion Event Underlying message layer notifies all sending components of completion event –may need to resume activity after other’s completion –provides reference to sent buffer to identify action Here event propagated as output done char TOS_EVENT(INT_TO_RFM_SUB_MSG_SEND_DONE)(TOS_MsgPtr sentBuffer){ if (VAR(pending) && sentBuffer == &VAR(data)) { VAR(pending) = 0; TOS_SIGNAL_EVENT(INT_TO_RFM_COMPLETE)(1); return 1; } return 0; }
4/2001TinyOS26 Handling Active Messages Fired (via dispatch) on arrival Gains ownership to buffer passed in msg –accessed as val.data MUST return ownership to a buffer If lifetime(buffer) < lifetime(handler), return incoming otherwise, return free buffer –no free buffer => must punt operation and return incoming TOS_MsgPtr TOS_MSG_EVENT(INT_READING)(TOS_MsgPtr val){... return val; }
4/2001TinyOS27 TinyOS Execution Contexts Hardware Interrupts events commands Tasks
4/2001TinyOS28 Typical application use of tasks event driven data acquisition schedule task to do computational portion char TOS_EVENT(MAGS_DATA_EVENT)(int data){ struct adc_packet* pack = (struct adc_packet*)(VAR(msg).data); printf("data_event\n"); VAR(reading) = data; TOS_POST_TASK(FILTER_DATA);... mags.c
4/2001TinyOS29 Filter Magnetometer Data Task TOS_TASK(FILTER_DATA){ int tmp; VAR(first) = VAR(first) - (VAR(first) >> 5); VAR(first) += VAR(reading); VAR(second) = VAR(second) - (VAR(second) >> 5); VAR(second) += VAR(first) >> 5; VAR(diff) = VAR(diff)-(VAR(diff) >> 5); tmp = VAR(first) - VAR(second); if(tmp < 0) tmp = -tmp; VAR(diff) += tmp; if((VAR(diff) >> 5) > 85){ TOS_CALL_COMMAND(MAGS_LEDg_on)(); VAR(led_on) = 255; } 128 Hz sampling rate simple FIR filter dynamic software tuning for centering the magnetometer signal (1208 bytes) digital control of analog, not DSP ADC (196 bytes)
4/2001TinyOS30 Tasks in low-level operation transmit packet –send command schedules task to calculate CRC –task initiated byte-level datapump –events keep the pump flowing receive packet –receive event schedules task to check CRC –task signals packet ready if OK byte-level tx/rx –task scheduled to encode/decode each complete byte –must take less time that byte data transfer i2c component –i2c bus has long suspensive operations –tasks used to create split-phase interface –events can procede during bus transactions
4/2001TinyOS31 Digging into Communications Stack Building up from the RFM bit level Bit level abstracts away radio specifics Byte level radio component collects individual bits into bytes Packet Level constructs packets from bytes Messaging layer interprets packets as messages Data pump paradigm used to connect layers RFM Bit Level Byte Level Packet Level Messaging
4/2001TinyOS32 RFM – RFM.comp Bit level interface to the RFM radio Abstracts away bit level timing, RFM specific control logic (TX vs. RX modes) Signals RX and TX bit events RFM_SET_BIT_RATE accepts 3 sampling rates… 0 = 50us (2 x bit rate) 1 = 75us (1.5 x bit rate) 2 = 100us (1x bit rate) 2x Bit rate used for detecting start symbol, bit rate 1.5 x used to transition to middle of bit transmission, 1x bit rate used to read and write data TOS_MODULE RFM; ACCEPTS{ char RFM_INIT(void); char RFM_TX_MODE(void); char RFM_TX_BIT(char data); char RFM_RX_MODE(void); char RFM_PWR(char mode); char RFM_SET_BIT_RATE(char level); }; SIGNALS{ char RFM_TX_BIT_EVENT(void); char RFM_RX_BIT_EVENT(char data); };
4/2001TinyOS33 Data Pump Paradigm High level components initiate transfer (COMMANDS) Lower level components signal when more data can be handled (EVENTS) Collection of bit events aggregated into single byte event Collection of byte events collected into single packet event RFM Bit Level Byte Level Packet Level …
4/2001TinyOS34 Radio Byte Level RADIO_BYTE.comp, FOUR_B_RADIO_BYTE.comp, SEC_DED_RADIO_BYTE.comp, SEC_DED_RADIO_BYTE_SIGNAL.comp All have similar interfaces Transfer individual bits to the radio Fires off TX_READY event when it can accept another byte TOS_MODULE RADIO_BYTE; ACCEPTS{ char RADIO_BYTE_INIT(void); char RADIO_BYTE_TX_BYTES(char data); char RADIO_BYTE_PWR(char mode); }; SIGNALS{ char RADIO_BYTE_RX_BYTE_READY(char data, char error); char RADIO_BYTE_TX_BYTE_READY(char success); char RADIO_BYTE_TX_DONE(void); };
4/2001TinyOS35 General Radio Byte Operation Pipelines transmission – transmits single byte while encoding next byte Trades 1 byte of buffering for additional latency Separates high level latencies from low level latency requirements Encoding Task must complete before byte transmission completes Decode must complete before next byte arrives Encode Task Bit transmission Byte 1 Byte 2 RFM Bits Byte 2 Byte 1Byte 3 Byte 4 start …
4/2001TinyOS36 Radio Byte FSM with Tasks (Sending) 0 2 tx_bytes/POST_TASK 34 tx_bit &~c16 tx_bytes accepted tx_byte_rdy signaled Encode Task Executed 1 tx_bit &c16 / tx_byte_rdy tx_bit &~c16 tx_bit called State Table 0 = idle 1 = waiting to send out first byte 2 = sending out byte, no next byte 3 = sending out byte, waiting to encode next byte 4 = sending out byte, done encoding next byte tx_bytes/POST_TASK tx_bit &~c16 tx_bit &c16 / tx_byte_rdy,tx_done tx_done signaled
4/2001TinyOS37 Task Scheduling currently simple fifo scheduler Bounded number of pending tasks When idle, shuts down node except clock Uses non-blocking task queue data structure
4/2001TinyOS38 DARPA-esq demo UAV drops nodes along road, carries one –hot-water pipe insulation for package Nodes self configure into linear network Calibrate magnetometers Each detects passing vehicle Share filtered sensor data with 5 neighbors Each calculates estimated direction & velocity Share results As plane passes by, –joins network –upload as much of missing dataset as possible from each node when in range 7.5 KB of code!
4/2001TinyOS39 Working Across Levels Encoding Low power listening Fair and efficient network access Proximity detection Security Tiny virtual machines
4/2001TinyOS40 Packet Encoding / Layers Radio requires rough DC balance –No more than three ones between zeros Manchester encoding 4b/6b Bit error rate significant and increases with distance CRC, 3-redundant …or SECDED with DC-balanced coding –careful choice of generator matrix –8-bits => 17-bits, no CRC Radio byte components Radio packet components
4/2001TinyOS41 Low-Power Listening Costs about as much to listen as to xmit, even when nothing is received Only way to save power is to turn radio off when there is nothing to hear. Can turn radio on/of in about 1 bit –30 ms on every 300 ms –Can detect transmission at cost of ~2 bit times Small sub-msg recv sampling Application-level synchronization rendezvous to determine when to sample Xmit: Recv: preamblemessage sleep b Optimal Preamble = (2/3 Sxb) 1/2 Jason Hill
4/2001TinyOS42 Networking issues in TinyOS context Two Problems –arbitration of access to contended radio channel »even under low duty cycle, due to correlated behavior –self-organized dynamic multihop routing Two approaches –build it into the lower communication layers –expose to the application to solve
4/2001TinyOS43 Media Access Control Hardware: single channel RF radio Nodes contend for the same wireless channel Traffic is highly correlated –Periodic nature of sensor networks applications –detection of common events Collision detection mechanism is not available Channel capacity ~25 packet/s –High amount of traffic due to »High node density »High transmission rate of each node
4/2001TinyOS44 Options Application attempts to schedule communication to avoid contention –limit rate –stagger initiation time Communication stack provides adaptation and feedback
4/2001TinyOS45 Factors Application cannot tell if communication was successful without additional msgs Radio component is listening (efficiently) by default –natural to introduce CSMA within that component Place MAC at RADIO_BYTE level in between application layer and RFM radio component not just backoff and retry, because listening costs If channel is very busy, backpressure to application to slow transmission rate Transmission Request Listen for Random Period Transmit Busy Idle (16 bit LFB SR) revealed subtle jitter bug
4/2001TinyOS46 CSMA Evaluation Channel Utilization ~70% Throughput per node is fair
4/2001TinyOS47 Multihop Bandwidth Management Should self-organize into fair, dynamic multihop net Hidden nodes between each pair of “levels” –CSMA is not enough P[msg-to-base] drops with each hop –Investment in packet increases with distance –need to optimize for low-power fairness! RTS/CTS costly (power & BW) Local rate control to approx. fairness Priority to forwarding, adjust own data rate Additive increase, multiplicative decrease Listen for retransmission as ack Simulation: ½ of packets get through 4 levels out
4/2001TinyOS48 Example: Multihop Adaptive Transmission Control B Max rate: 4 samples/sec - rate = 4p Channel BW ~20 p/s - cannot expect more than 1/3 thru parent Monitor number of children (n) (n) ~ 1/n = ½ p’ = p + (n) on success (echo) p’ = p * without rate control, success drops ~½ per hop
4/2001TinyOS49 Proximity / Location detection Signal strength sensing –Circuit works, falls off cleanly in good environment –Incredibly sensitive to obstructions! Error rates a useful proximity metric –Bit errors vs. packet errors signal strength + Kalman filter provides good position detection
4/2001TinyOS50 Signal Strength RFM Proc TX Digital Pot inc sel dir 50k
4/2001TinyOS51 Near Signal Strength at low-power
4/2001TinyOS52 Thoughts on robust Algorithms Active Dynamic Route Determination –When hear a new route beacon, record “parent”, retransmit from SELF, ignore additional messages for epoch Radio cell structure very unpredictable Builds and maintains good breadth-first forest Each node maintains O(1) state Fundamental operation is pruning retransmission –Monotonic variables –Message signature caches Takes energy to retain structure
4/2001TinyOS53 Authentication / Security RC-5 shared key crypto in 1.7 kb Modified Tesla protocol for confidential & authenticated base broadcast Easy to compromise a node, but hard to get many
4/2001TinyOS54 Application-Specific Virtual Machine Small byte-code interpreter component –Code, static data, stack Accepts clock-event capsules –Other events too Hides split-phase operations below interpreter HW + collection of components defines space of applications –Allows very efficient coding within this space Capsules define specific query / logic
4/2001TinyOS55 Larger Challenges Programming support for systems of generalized state machines –highly-concurrent, event-driven programming –language, debugging, verification, composition Programming the unstructured aggregate –SPMD, Data Parallel, Query Processing, Tuples Resilient Aggregators –MAX vs 90 % Understanding how an extreme system is behaving and what is its envelope –adversarial simulation Self-configuring, self-correcting systems
4/2001TinyOS56 Planetary Services Expanding the Computing Spectrum Servers Workstations Personal Computers Internet Services PDAs / HPCs/ smartphones Open Internet Services Microscopic sensor networks
4/2001TinyOS57 Common issues at the Extremes Concurrency intensive –data streams and real-time events, not command-response Communications-centric Limited resources (relative to load) Huge variation in load –population usage & physical stimuli –robustness Hands-off (no UI) Dynamic configuration, discovery –Self-organized and reactive control Similar execution model –event driven, –components Complimentary roles –tiny semi-autonomous devices empowered by infrastructure –infrastructure services connected to the real world Huge space of open problems...