The Basis of Our Faith in Christ: Competent Witnesses A contrast between witnesses to the Book of Mormon and Paul, as witness to Christ and His Gospel
Mormon Witnesses: Oliver Cowdery used a forked diving rod, “rod of nature” acc. to Joseph Smith, he was led astray by Hiram Pages’ “peep stone” excommunicated from the church for being a counterfeiter; “too mean to mention”- Joseph Smith renounced Mormonism and became a member of the Methodist Protestant Church at Tiffin, Oh Mormon poem reflects his denial of Book of Mormon returned to LDS before he died, yet David Whitmer claimed he rejected the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.
Mormon Witnesses: David Whitmer believed Hiram Page’s revelations from “stone” involved with Oliver Cowdery in stealing and counterfeiting (letter written to drive them out); “too mean to mention” “In June, 1838, God spake to me again by his own voice from the heavens, and told me to ‘separate myself from among the Latter Day saints’.” followed Jesse Strang who said he found brass plates then followed William McLellin, saw vision supporting him and condemning the Mormon church, then left him never returned to LDS, joined “Church of Christ”, Mormon splinter group that accepted only Book of Mormon
Mormon Witnesses: Martin Harris believed in the power of the “seer stone” Joseph Smith had revelations which called him a wicked man; “too mean to mention”. The Elder’s Journal Aug, 1838 (Joseph Smith, editor) said he was guilty of “swearing, lying, cheating, swindling, drinking, with every species of debauchery” his wife said he had “mad-fits”, was a liar, and abusive unstable in religion- changed 13 times – came back to LDS condemning statement about him in the LDS Millennial Star Phineas Young wrote to his brother Brigham, “Martin Harris is a firm believer in Shakerism, says his testimony is greater than it was of the Book of Mormon.”
Mormon Witnesses Men who believed in magic Men who had ungodly reputations Men who were gullible, easily misled and very changeable in their convictions Men who left the LDS, renouncing it, joining other religions, 1 never to return; all 3 condemned by LDS as immoral; 2 of them driven away and 1 of the 2 excommunicated Who can believe their testimony?
Christ’s Witness: Apostle Paul Acts 22:6-11; 26:13-18 Solid moral character Acts 23:1; 22:3; 26:4-5; Phil 3:4-6; 2 Cor 1:12; 1 Thess 2:10 Immediate change in conviction Acts 26:9-12; 9:20-22, 26-28; Phil 3:4-8; Gal 1:14 Lived like a “man on a mission” Acts 26:19-20 Did not waver from the gospel message Gal 1:6-9 No hardship could deter him; he was unstoppable 2 Cor 11:23-28 He ran the course to the end 2 Tim 4:6-8
Christ’s Witness: Apostle Paul There were twelve others just like him! It is reasonable to believe in Jesus through their word Jn 17:20