ancient Greece powerpoint project By: Roslyn and Crisol exploration history
Art in Ancient Greece most of the art in the ancient Greece is about the gods Greek art began around 2500 B.C. It has many influences on many countries on ancient times Greek art is usually in five forms: architecture, sculpture, panting, painted pottery, music
Greek Literature There writing is usually divided into two types The epic: in 700 b.c., homer, wrote two connected epics the Iliad & the Odyssey The poem: two early Greek poems are hesido’s thorny and works and days, also there are also other small poems The play: most plays are divided into tragedies & comedies, the oldest plays we have are by aeschyus
Daily life in Ancient Greece Men: most men ran the government, they spent mostly a lot of time away from home. When not involved in war, they spent time working in the fields, or working in trade. Women: most women were very limited to leave the house if permission from the husband. Ancient Greeks thought that women were only good for making children. Greek kids: Greek boys in the city spent there time at home until six years of age, to go to school. Greek girl: they usually stayed home until they were married. Most girls followed in there mothers footsteps learning about how to care for there husbands and kids.
Mythology in Ancient Greece Greek gods: the Olympians are groups of 12 gods who ruled the overthrow of the titans. They are all related in the same way. They are all named after their dwelling place Mount Olympus. Mythology Places: most well known mythology places are Mount Olympus, The Underworld, The Tartar us The Greeks were polytheistic in their religious beliefs. Which means they worshiped many gods. The gods usually represented different forms of nature.
Architecture in Ancient Greece Architecture was extinct in Greece from the end of the Mycenaean period to the 7th century B.C. Greek buildings in the colonization period were made out of wood or mud brick or clay. There's five types of buildings that they made religious, civic, domestic, funerary, or recreational.
Philosophy in Ancient Greece Greek philosophers were among the first in the west to explore nature. Some of them were the greatest thinkers of the ancient world emerged from Greece and, in particular, Athens. Ancient Greek philosophy is dominated by three very famous men: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Inventions in Ancient Greece Trail by jury: Juries in Athens started around 500 BCE. Juries sweared to listen and be equal to prosecutors. Comedy, tragedy, satire, theatre: part of the reason plays were so important were because of the gods, how theater was an impact was the amount of people who would love to see the plays. Sophocles was the most famous playwright. Roots of Democracy: around 510 BCE, the Athenians invented democracy. A government that allowed people to vote and make there own rules and laws was called a direct democracy.
1 Important Events Alexander the great: he was one of the most successful military commanders of the ancient. He was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, Macedonia. At the age of 20,he assembled forces in Greek cities in Corinth that recognized him as there leader He accomplished a strong empire.
2 important event Persian war: by around 800 B.C. Persians dictators tried to tax city-states. War broke out because of this. The fist invasion took place in around 490 B.C. The Persians came three times, and fought three huge battles. ggtrte
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