Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Today and Tomorrow Joint Knowledge Development and Distribution Capability (JKDDC) is one of DOD’s Training Transformation (T2) initiatives to improve the way we train our joint forces. Mr. Joe Camacho Program Director April 2010
Baseline Metrics (since 30 April 07) Top Course Completions 3 PORTALS JKO-N (NIPRnet) KEY CAPABILITIES Award Winning Learning Management System Certified Joint Courseware Track and Report Defense-wide Training Single Sign On through Defense Knowledge Online (DKO) Multinational, Interagency and Intergovernmental Access (Internet Public Portal) Rapid Online Content Creation Environment (ROCCE) Advanced Technology Insertion $130M Cost Savings JKO-IP Internet Public JKO-S (SIPRnet) JKDDC is an OSD sponsored Training Transformation initiative designed to improve the way we train and prepare individuals for joint staff deployment and integrated operations. The JKO enterprise portal system provides access to a learning management system (LMS) of joint, multinational and interagency courseware and web-based learning tools and services via three networks: Internet (, military unclassified (NIPRnet and classified networks (SIPRnet The JKDDC portal offers access to “one stop shopping” for joint context and content. Single sign on capability means users login to JKO using CAC and have access to all sites and applications with a single account without having to create multiple user names and passwords. All three portal channels provide access to the JKDDC learning management system that tracks, documents and reports student progress. Course status and completions are recorded in the LMS so that students can track progress. The JKO LMS also allows training officers to track student progress and completions. Each instantiation of the LMS is customized to the particular network: The LMS on NIPRnet provides access to all JKDDC courseware with the exception of classified material. The LMS on SIPRnet provides all courseware found on NIPRnet with the addition of classified courses and material. The LMS via Internet Public access provides access to non-FOUO courses that are relevant to joint/integrated operations. Joint courseware across Services, Combatant Commands and Combat Support Agencies is captured and sorted by UJTL, providing cross-referenced knowledge sources and allowing individuals to find training based on specific task needs. JKO JMO works with stakeholders to convert and conform classroom training to latest advanced distributed learning (ADL) standards, conform online training to latest ADL standards and integrate compliant curriculum with the JKO LMS. Customized Communities of Interest (COI) have proven a popular portal feature. COIs provide a forum for practitioners of a particular discipline to interact and share knowledge and experiences pertinent to their task areas. A customized community page allows members to update each other on developments in the shared discipline. The capability rolled out April 30, 2007 and our baseline metrics reflect impressive early adoption and continuing growth. Communities of Interest Training and Support Joint Irregular Warfare Center Joint Individual Augmentee Training Program Provincial Reconstruction Team Training Combined Joint Task Force HOA CENTCOM JTF Crisis Response Combined Joint Task Force SOUTH Afghanistan (Combined Joint Task Force 101) International Security Assistance Force Baseline Metrics (since 30 April 07) ~124,000 registered users ~2,111,000 total portal logins ~350,000course completions ~423 courses (~1964.5 hrs of instruction) available WARRIOR VALUE Top Course Completions SERE 100 Code of Conduct USFK Theater Specific Required Training Combating Trafficking in Persons Fundamentals of Personnel Recovery JTF 101 Introduction to Rules of Engagement (ROE) Metrics as of 26 March 2010 INDIVIDUALLY FOCUSED. GLOBALLY SHARED.
Recognized for Excellence 21st Century Best Practices Award by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) for leading the application and advancement of distance learning for training capabilities needed to meet the dynamic challenges of national security today and in the future. JKDDC was selected as an honoree for CIO magazine’s 22nd annual CIO 100 Awards. JKDDC was selected as one of 100 innovative organizations having distinguished themselves by creating business value through the effective and innovative use of IT. Every year, CIO Magazine honors groundbreaking IT projects from around the world-initiatives that yield tangible business benefit by melding managerial strategy with technical excellence. Training Technology in Action Award by Training magazine for overall Training in Action Award, and “Learning Content Management Project of the Year.” The purpose of the Training Technology in Action Awards is to recognize outstanding achievement at the intersection of strategic learning and innovative learning technologies. An outstanding “Project of the Year” recognition is awarded in each of the six categories: Blended Learning and Performance, Electronic Performance Support Mobile and Workplace Learning, Informal Learning, Knowledge Management, Learning Content Management and Simulations and Serious Games.
Recognized for Excellence Excellence in Enterprise Integration Award by the Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI) 2008 Government Award for Excellence in Enterprise Integration. The award recognizes the contributions and achievements of the project team’s application of technology and leadership exemplifying excellence in enterprise integration. 21st Century Best Practices Award by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) for leading the application and advancement of distance learning for training capabilities needed to meet the dynamic challenges of national security today and in the future. Federal 100 Award by Federal Computer Week. JKDDC Program Director, Joe Camacho, honored as a 2009 Federal 100 award winner. The Federal 100 recognizes individuals from government, industry and academia who significantly influenced how the federal government buys, uses or manages information technology. Federal 100 winners are recognized for their risk-taking, vision and pioneering spirit in the federal IT community.
JKO Course Completions Steady Growth Curve in JKO Course Completions # JKO course completions Total number of courses taken based on validated ID SIPR : SIPR credential NIPR : DMDC direct validation IP : individually screened Completion Credits, as opposed to course completions, take into account that individuals may have more than one demographic status (civil servant and Reserve Corps) Course completions are validated against DMDC for demographic analysis and binned by Service (including civil servant/contractor) and Rank to characterize the proficiencies provided by the different knowledge services tracked through JKO
Interim Distribution Capability (IDC) (JKDDC original baseline) JKO Distribution Costs Projected trend line Actual JKDDC Distribution Costs (indicating JKDDC distribution cost reductions better than normal expected trend) Interim Distribution Capability (IDC) (JKDDC original baseline) Distribution Cost accounts for the money spent on distribution activities allocated by the Stakeholders at the WWJTSC Includes activities such as: Portal development Portal maintenance Course hosting Enterprise INFOSEC Community of Interest (COI) hosting User validation Use (COI and course) Tracking Infrastructure development/maintenance LMS federation Normalized against total hours of training delivered to the Joint warfighter
JKDDC/JKO Return on Investment JKDDC Actual Cost DoD Industry Standard Cost Negative ROI JKDDC Costs more than Other DoD training methods Positive ROI JKDDC Costs less than $130M Total Operational Costs in Millions of Dollars
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VIDEO DEMO Virtual Cultural Awarness Trainer Small Group Scenario Trainer