1 LSA Overview 06/11/2007 Grzegorz Kruk on behalf of the LSA Team
LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk Agenda LSA scope Key concepts Architecture Recent developments
LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk Agenda LSA scope Key concepts Architecture Recent developments
4 What is covered by LSA? Optics Information about all devices Machine layout Twiss parameters.. Settings generation Generation of initial settings based on optics Settings management & trim Management of values for all parameters Coherent modifications History of changes and rollback Hardware exploitation Equipment control Sending settings to the hardware Equipment & beam measurements Equipment monitoring Data concentrators e.g. BLM, BPM LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
5 What is NOT covered by LSA? Logging Fixed displays Alarms Software Interlocks OASIS LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
6LHC Software Architecture – ICALEPCS 2007 – Grzegorz Kruk Agenda LSA scope Key concepts Architecture Recent developments 06/11/2007
7 Parameter LSA parameter is Settable or measurable entity on a device (real or virtual) e.g. LHCBEAM/QPH, MPLH.41994/K, MPLH4199/IREF, FESA fields (properties) Parameters are organized in hierarchies Each hierarchy describes relations between parameters Change of a parameter affects all its dependant parameters Roots usually physics parameters e.g. momentum, tune, chromaticity,… Leaves hardware parameters e.g. reference current on power converters LSS4_EXT_BUMP/KNOB MPLH /KMPSH.42198/K MPLH /IMPSH.42198/I MPLH4199/IREF MPSH4219/IREF LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
8 LHC Parameters Space LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
9 Context LSA Super Cycle Defines a series of cycles used to produce beams for known clients Can be played repeatedly in a cycling machine LSA Cycle Defines a lifespan of a beam (from injection to extraction) including beam out part It corresponds to a timing user e.g. CNGS_PDOT SPS.USER.CNGS1 LSA Beam Process Defines a specific process (injection, ramp, extraction...) in the super cycle for a given accelerator or transfer line (LHC Ring, SPS Ring, TT10,...) LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
10 Context LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
11 Setting Value of a parameter for a given context (beam process) It consists of target value and correction value Value of the setting is always a sum of target and correction Value = Target + Correction Settings of all parameters are kept in the database Only settings of hardware parameters are sent to the equipment Context ParameterSetting Target Correction LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
12 Agenda LSA scope Key concepts Architecture Recent developments LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
13 Architecture - 3-tier approach We wanted to deploy the system in 3 physical layers due to: Central access to the database and to the hardware Central security Caching Reduced network traffic Reduced load on client consoles Scalability Ease of web development With a minimal cost of 3-tier architectures Complexity of programming Testing & debugging Deployment LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007 GUI Applications Business Logic HardwareDatabase Client tier Server tier
14 Spring Framework Open source Java enterprise application framework Labeled as lightweight container Alternative to Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) All standard services provided Components orchestration, transactions, remoting, security, … Seamless deployment in 2- and 3-tier mode Integration with many 3 rd party products Very little effort to maintain the infrastructure LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
15 Applications DatastoreDevices JAPC CMW/RDA JAPC Spring JDBC Data Access Object (DAO) LSA Client API LSA CORE (Optics, Settings Management, Trim, Generation, Exploitation) Parameters Concentration JAPC CMW/RDA JAPC Remote Server - JMS LSA Client implementation LSA Client APIJAPC API Spring HTTP Remoting / Proxies JAPC Remote Client - JMS Business Tier (Web Container) Client Tier CORBA IIOP CORBA/IIOPJDBC HTTP JMS LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
16 Architecture principles Modular with a clear API Layered GUI applications Business logic Database and hardware access Distributed Client side Applications Server side Business logic Database and hardware access LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
17 Client tier Server tier lsa-dbaccess accsoft-commons-value lsa-settings lsa-settings-domain lsa-exploitation-domain japc lsa-exploitation lsa-trim lsa-generation lsa-client lsa-optics-domain lsa-app-selection accsoft-steering-service japc-ext-cmwrda Outside projects Core projects Non core projects spring External projects ojdbc spring.jar spring-mock.jar ojdbc14.jar orai18n.jar cmw OB.jar OBNaming.jar OBUtil.jar rda.jar servlet servlet.jar ehcache ehcache.jar commons-logging.jar commons-collection.jar lsa-optics Apps projects lsa-caching lsa-fidel accsoft-security-rba japc-value lsa-commons accsoft-commons-util japc-ext-remote
18 Data model The system is highly data-driven Single model (database schema) for all machines SPS, LEIR, LHC,… Result of several iterations and fruitful collaboration with CO/DM section Rationalized but nevertheless quite complex ~170 tables LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
19 Generic Applications Data model & business logic are common for all accelerators we can reuse applications SPS LHC LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
20 Agenda LSA scope Key concepts Architecture Recent developments LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
22 LHC Timing All LHC processes (e.g. injection, ramp,...) will be synchronized and triggered using timing events Sent by the LHC Timing System LSA provides service to manage these events Creation, modification Loading to and unloading from the Timing System LSA Timing module LHC Timing System Other modules LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
23 Security Role Based Access Control Created in the frame of th LHC at FermiLab Software (LAFS) collaboration Management of Machine Critical Settings (MCS) LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
24 Methodical Accelerator Design (MAD-X) Simulation and validation of settings changes before applying them to the hardware Creation of KNOBS (e.g. bumps) … LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007
25 Testing Currently we use unit testing (automated black-box testing) for business logic and Data Access Objects GUI applications are tested manually Logic operating on the database development DB Hardware access usually on a real hardware (or test FGCs) Goal setup a testing hardware environment which could be used for a systematic testing (before each release) Lab FGCs MUGEF (start to be used) – not necessary when MUGEF replaced by FESA BI would be interesting to have … LHCCWG – Grzegorz Kruk06/11/2007