Getting to Know Each Other Luisa and Noriko
Description of class n Language proficiency: Low-Intermediate n Previous computer work: basic word- processing n Class size: 12 n Age: n Native language background: Varied languages n Recent work: word processing skills
Description of class n Class needs or goals: –1. Break the ice at the start of new classes –2. Write personal information
Materials nCnCnCnComputer needs: Computer for every two or three students, Word Processing, diskettes, printer, OHP for computer, scanner (optional) nOnOnOnOther classroom materials: white board, markers
Objectives n Know how to interview and get personal information n To use basic word-processing skills
Procedure n Pre-computer activity:Brainstorming –nationality –native language –age –marital status –profession –hobbies –other special skills (sports, art, etc.) –plans for the future
Presentation of the lesson Introductory personal statement I am from Brazil. My native language is Portuguese. I am 35 years old. I am single, but I have a boyfriend. I am an English teacher. I have a bachelor degree in language. I love traveling, reading, talking with friends watching movies, going hang gliding, playing Capoeira. My plans are to do workshops about teaching and write a book on teaching activities.
Student Practice n Pair off students n Interview each other n Compose a paragraph about your partner n Save the text n Print your paragraph
Follow up activities n Guess who activity n Correct each other’s text n Scan photo and add it to the text n Publish it
Potential Problems n Vocabulary n Cultural values n Technical skills: scanning photos
Evaluation of students’ learning n Collecting the students’ texts can be useful to evaluate their writing and computer skills.