Consumer Protection Cooperation System Health & Consumer Protection DG SANCO/A4-IT
Summary Legal Base, goals and principle Project life Architecture Accessibility issues Proposed approach Questions & Answers
Legal Base, goals and principle Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws (the Regulation on consumer protection cooperation) The Regulation stipulates that the system must be put in place by the Commission by end Decembre 2006.
Legal Base, goals and principle Article 6 : Exchange of information on request. A Competent Authority (CA) shall, on request from an applicant authority, supply without delay any relevant information required to establish whether an intra-Community infringement has occurred or to establish whether there is a reasonable suspicion it may occur. Article 7 : Exchange of information without request. When a competent authority becomes aware of an intra-Community infringement, or reasonably suspects that such an infringement may occur, it shall notify the competent authorities of other Member States and the Commission, supplying all necessary information, without delay. Article 8 : Requests for enforcement measures. A requested authority shall, on request from an applicant authority, take all necessary enforcement measures to bring about the cessation or prohibition of the intra-Community infringement without delay.
Legal Base, goals and principle SLO: Single Liaison Office Representative:Representative of the members states to make the directive operational. Description:The single liaison Office is designed in each members state to be sure that the Consumer Protection System will be operational Type:Coordination in the members states Responsibilities:Be the key users of the system. When operational, one actor. Success Criteria:Give feedback on time. Involvement:Through meeting, will give advice on the system to be built
Legal Base, goals and principle CA: Competent Authority Representative:The actors who will use the system. Description:Competent authorities are the local authorities with the responsibility of the consumer protection. Type:Real main actors of the system
Architecture: Typical workflow of information: Article 6 ca1 Belgium slo2 Belgium slo1 UK cauk2-pw UK
Project life Feasibility study in 2005 Development phase in 2006 Intensive maintenance in 2007 Evolutive maintenance 2008 and later.
Architecture: Logical CPCS ForumArticle 6Article 7Article 8 Login Administration
Architecture: Technical Full web based application Components: J2EE, Oracle, Oracle workflow Hosted at Commission Data Centre; no components to deploy elsewhere http/https protocols Accessible from TESTA-II
Accessibility issues: 29 SLO (one per country) Average of 5 CA per country Exception cases: Spain and Italy
Proposed approach: All actors have to have access to TESTA-II by end Difficulty depends on the national network extensivity Temporary access through ISDN dialup to be considered seriously for CA access. Attempt as much as possible to have the SLO connect through higher bandwidth before end 2006.
Question and Answer