Topic three An Introduction to Cash Budgeting Assessed by way of a compulsory assignment. Visit the Blackboard website for details.
Use of a spreadsheet may be beneficial JulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneTotal
Revisit Cost Volume Profit calculations – 2.2. & Margins and Markups – Complete relevant practice sets Undertake independent research.
Examples of expected cash receipts Attendance fees Income from TV rights Revenue from sales Revenue from stalls or café = Total revenue
Examples of expected cash payments Variable costs Fixed costs Cost of products to be sold Capital acquisitions Cost of insurance Staffing costs Marketing Venue costs = Total expenses
Determining balances Opening balance of cash allocated to activity add Total revenues for the month Less Total expenses for the month = Closing cash balance Closing cash balance of one month becomes the opening cash balance of the next
Report The feasibility of the planned tourist attraction. The amount of funds which may be necessary to be borrowed. The time periods of the borrowings. The consideration of investments in times of excess cash and the time periods when commitments are due. Suggestions you may feel relevant.
Good luck