A market leader web based networking & knowledge sharing platform for practitioners in sustainable energy An ideal home for new communities of practice within the sustainable energy sector
Features Established in 1992 by GTZ, WHO, Lund, Twente, FAO, PA and others 4000 Active members with diverse backgrounds Wiki: 100’s of practical “live” resources Boiling Point – peer reviewed, printed journal Newsletter Open agile organization
More features Active web - community space Contributors/Volunteers SIGs/RIGs E-conferences, seminars Major new platform due early members in 3 year strong funding drive
Advantages Consistently present Established track record Ready audience Diverse network Bottom up engagement High visibility Framework for knowledge creation, context of growing and evolving resources Google analytics - Time of visit > 1 minute
Benefits Quick startup, access to ready audience Guaranteed life post ‘project’ Cross fertilization between sectors Community led and owned Greater impact, louder voice Hooks for ‘connected’ knowledge Stay at the cutting edge Grow with us An ideal home for new communities of practice within the sustainable energy sector
A market leader web based networking & knowledge sharing platform for practitioners in sustainable energy An ideal home for new communities of practice within the sustainable energy sector