Tourism Development Planning Infrastructures Creation and development of equipments Improvement of the landscape New leisure equipments Etc. INVESTMENT AND ENGINEERING Traditional concept based on:
From the commercial point of view.... A touristic product is a combination of tangible and intangible items that meet the needs and motivation of a certain consumer. TOURIST ATTRACTIONS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS INFRASTRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENTS INFRASTRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENTS SERVICES IMAGE AND SYMBOL VALUES IMAGE AND SYMBOL VALUES
New Trends (WTO) Reduce lenght of stay of the holidays Fragmented holiday periods Fast growing of made-to-measure holidays Great expectations to link holidays with experiences! New emerging destinations in the international market Deep market segmentation
New Trends (WTO) Increase the social pressure: “you have to go”, “you have to visit”,... The world is becoming smaller for the tourist. They can reach everywhere. The technology is going to play a VERY IMPORTANT role to obtain tourist information. We are in a market where the client is the KING. European population is getting older: 23% of european population was older than 55 in 1999, 28% in Important increase of last minute desicions.
Key point: segmentation In order to attract visitors, the different components of the tourist industry have to combine to create specific products targetting an specific consumer. The destination is the umbrella under we have to offer a wide range of produtcs: segmented and with a theme
Segmented products To get together what exists to make it more attractive and/or introduce as a new thing. Add little elements: activities, services, some equipments,... Positioning Based in marketing techniques IMAGINATION AND COORDINATION
Advantages for the destination Adapt quickly to market changes Diversify the products portfolio Product better adapted to the customer: it makes the buying process very easy and increases the satisfaction Makes the selling process easier. However, it requires.....
Requirements Knowledge of the market Compatible mix products/markets Initiative and innovation Creativity Organising and coordination Correct channels of commersialisation Add value to the product It doesn’t exist a magical receipt We have to work on it constantly
Generic Trips Wide range market Popular destinations Mid-low level clients Easy packages Standard services Advertising based on price Controled by big tour operators Buy through travel agents
Generic Trips Costa Brava has an important market share of this kind of trips
New Trends Trips based on a leisure or physical activity Targetting niche markets Competition based on the activity Destinations: locals or remote High level client All inclusive packages Small and specialized tour operators They need more organising They are sold directly or through selected agencies
New trips are based on EXPERIENCES and FEELINGS. We sell dreams, fantasies and memories.
TOURIST PROFILE ARRIVING TO COSTA BRAVA GIRONA AIRPORT IN LOW COST FLIGHTS Based on 3 studies in different seasons: –July – Setember 2003 (High Season) –March – June 2004 (Low Season) –July – Setember 2004 (High season) At the moment 17 Ryanair destinations, with more than 21 flights daily all year round. Ryanair passangers / 2004 Objective: Reaching passangers by 2006 Average of passangers before Ryanair per year
Taula 40: Composició per edats dels viatgers Total 2003 A2004 A2004 NA Edats, per trams% % acumul at % % <18 2,8 2,3 2,2 18 a 24 27,330,124,226,524,326,5 25 a 29 17,147,218,144,621,848,3 30 a 39 19,566,822,366,923,271,6 40 a 49 14,281,015,682,515,186,7 50 a 59 11,892,810,092,59,095,7 60 a 64 3,496,23,495,92,998,6 65 o més 3,81004,11001,4100 Taula 40: Composició per edats dels viatgers Total 2003 A2004 A2004 NA Edats, per trams% % acumul at % % <18 2,8 2,3 2,2 18 a 24 27,330,124,226,524,326,5 25 a 29 17,147,218,144,621,848,3 30 a 39 19,566,822,366,923,271,6 40 a 49 14,281,015,682,515,186,7 50 a 59 11,892,810,092,59,095,7 60 a 64 3,496,23,495,92,998,6 65 o més 3,81004,11001,4100
Intention to use this kind of flights