International Development Research Centre S c i e n c e f o r h u m a n i t y
The Institution A Crown corporation created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 Supports Southern researchers to enable them to find practical, long-term solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems
IDRC’s Mandate The IDRC Act (1970) mandates the Centre “ … to initiate, encourage, support, and conduct research into the problems of the developing regions of the world and into the means for applying and adapting scientific, technical, and other knowledge to the economic and social advancement of those regions …”
Our Mission Empowerment through Knowledge
Guiding Principles Peoples of developing regions must be able to control their own knowledge-based development IDRC takes its lead from Southern researchers Development research grant-making is the core of our activities
Strategic Goals 2005—2010 Strengthen and help to mobilize the local research capacity of developing countries Foster and support the production, dissemination, and application of research results that lead to changed practices, technologies, and laws that promote sustainable and equitable development and poverty reduction Leverage additional Canadian resources for research for development
Objectives IDRC will contribute to: Building a favourable environment for research and providing opportunities for Southern researchers Supporting scientifically sound research Influencing practices, technologies, policies, and laws Incorporating Southern agendas into current international policy debates and development decision-making
Some Numbers More than 400 staff members worldwide More than 900 research activities are currently active
Some Numbers Total 2006/07 revenues: CA$170 million, of which 86% are appropriations from the Parliament of Canada 2006/07 program allocations of more than CA$140 million 2007/08 budgeted program allocations: CA$157 million
IDRC Offices Ottawa Montevideo Dakar Nairobi Singapore Cairo New Delhi
Governance and Accountability Reports to the Canadian Parliament through the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada International Board of Governors 11 Canadians 10 non-Canadians, from developing or OECD countries
Governance President: Maureen O’Neil VP Programs Branch: Rohinton Medhora VP Resources Branch: Denys Vermette
Program Foundations The foundations of IDRC’s programming: Sustainable and equitable development Poverty reduction Human rights
The Program Areas Environment and Natural Resource Management Information and Communication Technologies for Development Innovation, Policy and Science Social and Economic Policy
The Program Areas Information and Communication Technologies for Development Program units Acacia: Communities and the Information Society in Africa Connectivity Africa Connectivity and Equity in the Americas Institute for Connectivity in the Americas Pan Asia Networking
The Program Areas Environment and Natural Resource Management Program units Climate Change Adaptation in Africa Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Environmental Economics Rural Poverty and Environment Urban Poverty and Environment
The Program Areas Social and Economic Policy Program units Globalization, Growth and Poverty Peace, Conflict and Development Research for Health Equity Global Health Research Initiative Governance, Equity and Health Research for International Tobacco Control Think Tank Initiative Women’s Rights and Citizenship
The Program Areas Innovation, Policy and Science Program units: Innovation, Technology and Society IDRC Challenge Fund
Canada in the World, The World in Canada IDRC supports training and awards programs for Canadians and developing-country nationals collaborative research between Canadian and Southern partners linkages with Canadian institutions small grants projects and activities undertaken by Canadian organizations
Program Features Multidisciplinary Flexible Regional or global scope Emphasis on fostering research networks Issues-oriented Promotes ongoing evaluation
Partnerships IDRC enters into partnerships with like-minded donors to Increase resources available to Southern researchers Ensure high-quality research for development
“IDRC will support technical and social innovations that contribute to the betterment of the social, economic, and environmental conditions of the poor, oppressed, and marginalized people in countries of the South.” IDRC Corporate Strategy 2005—2010
Contact Us International Development Research Centre Mailing address PO Box 8500 Ottawa, ON, Canada K1G 3H9 Tel.: Fax: