Hotel Village Eldorado – Atibaia, Brazil 08 May, 2007
what is the problem creative commons is trying to solve?
A2K for scientific material the 1 st copyright law in the world ?
A2K for scientific material
Statute of Anne of 1710 “An Act for the Encouragement of Learning...”
A2K for scientific material Statute of Anne of 1710 against the perpetual monopoly granted to the Stationer's Company publishers eternal copyrights = right to copy
A2K for scientific material Statute of Anne of 1710 against the perpetual monopoly granted to the Stationer's Company authors limited term of 14 years
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights “... promoting creative intellectual activity (...) in order to accelerate economic, social and cultural development...” 1974 Agreement between the UN and WIPO, art. 1
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights Brazilian Constitution “authors have the exclusive rights of using, publishing or reproducing their works, transmissible to their heirs for the term fixed by law” Article 5, paragraph XXVII, Brazilian Constitution 1988
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights Brazilian Constitution are these exclusive rights, absolute rights ?
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights Brazilian Constitution “ the State will guarantee to all the full exercise of cultural rights and access to national cultural fonts... ” Article 215, Brazilian Constitution 1988
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights Brazilian Constitution “the State will promote and foster scientific development, research and technological capacity-building...” Article 218, Brazilian Constitution 1988
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights Brazilian Constitution the economic order (...) shall observe the following principle: “ social function of property ” Article 170, paragraph III, Brazilian Constitution 1988
A2K for scientific material function of copyrights private interest x public interest
A2K for scientific material foster creativity ? 14 years 1710 life of author + 70 years 2007
A2K for scientific material foster creativity ?
A2K for scientific material author or publisher ? who is the owner ?
A2K for scientific material author or publisher ? Pedro Paranaguá “Propriedade Intelectual” (Intellectual Property) Am I authorized to copy and/or distribute it, for educational and non-commercial purposes ? What about small parts ?
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights Brazil Law no /98 no educational (classroom) exception !
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights Brazil Law no /98 art. 46 – The following do not infringe copyrights: II – the sole reproduction of small parts, for the copier's private use, provided the copy is made by the copier, without the intent to profit
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights is it respected ?
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights what if a book is out of print ?
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights Germany after 2 years out of print authorised full copy
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights Brazil Social Science USP30% out of print Business FGV-SP45%out of print P. Ortellado & J. Machado, “Direitos autorais e o acesso às publicacões científicas”, Revista Adusp 37, Aug. 2006
A2K for scientific material exceptions and limitations to copyrights
does not need registration automatic copyright protection
what does it mean ?
serviette / napkin + beer = potential author
what is the problem creative commons is trying to solve? copyright automatically applies to creative, expressive works upon fixation pervasiveness of copyright in the digital age emergence of the peer production and remix cultures
the proposal...
© Absolute Control v. No Control All rights reserved No rights reserved
© Absolute Control v. No Control No All rights reserved No rights reserved Some rights reserved Reasonable Copyright
© Absolute Control v. No Control No All rights reserved No rights reserved Some rights reserved Reasonable Copyright
the proposal licenses allowing the world to copy and distribute a work provided that the licensee credits the author/licensor NonCommercial No Derivatives ShareAlike Attribution - Mandatory developing nations sampling
Nonprofit organisation – Based in San Francisco, offices in Berlin & London – International network of over 40 countries Offering legal and technical toolkits – CC Licenses – Publishing tools – Find: partner with tech companies to develop tools for the general public to easily search for CC licensed content
Creative Commons Brasil FGV DIREITO RIOCreative Commons +
Answer five simple questions to choose a license: Simple License Generator
Answer five simple questions to choose a license: Simple License Generator
License produced in 3 different formats
Searchability Relies on Metadata
by Dani Apanola
1 out of 295 pages indexed by Yahoo’s 140,000,000
but who uses it ?
enabling open educational resources & scolarly research
Science Science Commons John Wilbanks (bioinformatics) John Sulston (Nobel) Michel Eisen (bioinformatics) Paul David (economist) Lawrence Lessig (Law Prof.) James Boyle (Law Prof.) MIT (artificial intelligence lab.)
Science Science Commons free access and biomedic research free access and educational material free access (cientists and physicians) free access to academic material
Brazil "Brasil Inovador" 40 success cases
CAPES - Brazil 9,444 + than 9,444 national and international periodicals higher educational and research institutions Science Direct (50% accesses) USP (23%), Unicamp (15%)
15 million articles downloaded / 2006
CNPqopen access CNPq supports publication on open access vehicles Support publish open access public access Support the beneficiaries of projects and scholarships granted by CNPq to publish her/his work under the principles of open access model, and to maitain her/his works on electronic repositories of public access open access CNPq will prioritarily support national academic journals that adopt open access models
Access to Knowledge (A2K) FGV DIREITO RIO A2K +
enabling open educational resources & scolarly research it is possible... and working !
Thank you ! Pedro Paranaguá