Page 1 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover RHESSI LEVEL 0 AND QUICKLOOK DATA PROCESSING J MCTIERNAN UCB/SSL

Page 2 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover LINKS: This Document: Level 0 Data Handling: Quicklook Data Products: Flare List: File database:

Page 3 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page 4 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover LEVEL 0 DATA FILES: Telemetry packets and lookup table. Typically 1 or 2 per orbit, more for large flares (X-class = 8 to 12 files). Filename = hsi_yyyymmdd_hhmmss_nnn.fits. Max. Size is approximately 100Mbytes. “Orbits” start and end in SC night. Currently 1.9 Tbytes in files. Approximately 1.9 Gbytes per day.

Page 5 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover HSI_FILEDB Each file is recorded as an entry in the filedb structure which is distributed as part of the software. Look in $ssw/hessi/dbase/hsi_filedb_yyyymm.fits (or.txt). file_id = file name. orbit_start, orbit_end = Orbit number (GDS) at start and end of the file. start_time, end_time = data start and end times. status_flag = set to -1 if the file has been discarded, and the packets are contained in another file, set to 0 if the file is active, set to 1 if the file has undergone qlook processing. npackets = Number of packets. clock_drift_start, clock_drift_end = the value of the clock drift at file start and end.

Page 6 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Observing Summary Daily Files: hsi_obssumm_yyyymmdd_nnn.fits, about 1.8 Mbytes/day. Hsi_obs_summ_rate: Count rates in 9 energy bands, summed over detectors, 4 second (~one spin period) time resolution. (Excludes detectors 2, 7, 8). Hsi_ephemeris: S/C position and velocity, 20 sec (~5 spin periods) resolution. Hsi_qlook_roll_period, hsi_qlook_pointing: S/C pointing and pointing quality estimate and roll period estimate (not yet implemented for whole database). hsi_obs_summ_flag: Data Flags, including: ['SAA_FLAG', 'ECLIPSE_FLAG', 'FLARE ‘, ’NON_SOLAR_EVENT', 'FRONT_RATIO', 'DECIMATION WEIGHT', ‘DECIMATION ENERGY’, 'SSR_STATE', 'ATTENUATOR_STATE’, etc…]

Page 7 18-OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Instrument Log Daily Files: hsi_inslog_yyyymmdd_nnn.fits, about 1.3 Mbytes/day. Hsi_qlook_monitor_rate: monitor rates, including particle rates, 20 sec time resolution. Hsi_qlook_packet_rate: rates for different types of telemetry packets, 20 sec time resolution. Hsi_qlook_rate_per_det: count rates summed over all energies for each detector segment. Useful for comparisons with monitor rates. Plots of these data are generated for each orbit. Go to the rhessidatacenter web site and click on “RHESSI light curves by orbit’’.

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Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Flare List Hsi_flare_list: Id number. Start, peak and end times, in energy range [12.0, 25.0] keV. Peak count rate, counts/sec/segment and total counts, “corrected’’. Correction factors for peak and total rates. Background Count rate and Time Range. Highest energy of observed photons. Flare position, arcsec from Sun center. Flags for flares that start/end in Eclipse or SAA, particles, data gaps, Non-solar event flag, etc.. Image time range.

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Finding Flares Use 1 min running average in 12 to 25 keV range to determine background count rate. Intervals with count rates from 12 to 25 keV greater than background plus 3 sigma are flagged. Front-total count ratio for 12 to 25 keV must be greater than 3 sigma above background level, to be a flare. Emission that is correlated with particle count rate is suspect, and is only verified as solar if the count rate in the 12 to 25 keV range is greater than an upper limit determined from a comparison of known particle rates and count rates. Also a spectral check is done, an official “flare” must have fewer counts/keV in the keV band than in the keV band. Flare position is found using back-projection maps of the full sun: 128x128 with 16 arcsec resolution, for detectors 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. If peak positions match for 3 detectors, then the position is recorded. The calculation is done for the peak 2 minute interval of the flare. If not successful, then multiple intervals are tried.

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Quicklook Images Images for same interval of successful position calculation, usually the peak of the flare. Full-sun image, 128x128, 20 arcsec resolution. Energy band is 6 to 25 keV. Flare images, 4 arcsecond spatial resolution, CLEAN algorithm, in the energy bands given by the Observing Summary, [3, 6, 12, 25, 50,100,300] keV. Output into FITS files, and PNG files. Go to rhesssidatacenter and click on “RHESSI Quicklook images”.

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Quicklook Spectra Time dependent, 12 sec to 1 min cadence, depends on flare size. Also will provide spectra for image time range. Thermal plus broken power law fit, uses OSPEX. Also will have pure nonthermal fit. Should be useful for absolute size comparisons. Online “soon”

Page OCT-2004 RHESSI Data Analysis Workshop RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the volume cover Other data products: Go to rhessidatacenter, click on: RHESSI-WIND Spectrograms. (S. Krucker) GOES with RHESSI Observing Times. (H. Hudson) RHESSI Light Curves, Images & Spectra at HEDC. (P. Saint-Hilaire)