Project Overview Enhancing Information and Communication system in GEFONT - Buddhi Acharya GEFONT
Project Overview WORKING TITLE –Enhancing Information and Communication system in GEFONT RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION: –General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT)
Project Overview DURATION: 12 Months STARTING DATE: 1st January 2005 COMPLETION DATE: 31 December 2005 PREPARATION DATE: 30 Nov. 2004
Background and Justification Problem Analysis –Nepali trade union movement has not fully utilized IT in their daily life –Still Nepali trade union movement is following the traditional style for unionization –Movement has not fully realized the importance of IT and it’s relevancy.
Background and Justification Justification –information technology is changing the structure of the labour market –The internet and world-wide web are becoming increasingly important in working life –social partner organisations are taking full advantage of new technology
Background and Justification Justification –Using ICT within a trade union definitely improves in services and smoothness in the movement –communication between the central bodies of organisations and representatives at different levels –quick international action against the trade union violence can be taken using the information technology
Strategy Declared define policy on information technology Institutional capacity building mainly at Zone level offices Sensitization of rank and file activists on benefits of open source software Necessary Support is provided by GEFONT central office
Target Group GEFONT departmental secretary Central Women Workers Department central committee members Zone secretary and officials Affiliates union central committee 100 Top cadres
Objectives Development –Enhanced information sharing and networking through information communication technology (ICT) –Strong alliance building in national, regional and international level. –Strengthened advocacy and campaigning activities among the trade unions
Objectives Immediate Objectives –All affiliates and all GEFONT office will be equipped with at least one personal computer. –Six GEFONT affiliate unions and two zone offices can keep up to date with developments in wage negotiations, further and continuing education, list of books and other materials of GEFONT resource centre and other important work-related issues and activities from GEFONT central database server.
Objectives Immediate Objectives –10 zone offices and 12 GEFONT affiliates will use for fast communication and 200 activists will be connected with –35 GEFONT cadres from affiliates will be familiar with Open office software –Members and non-members can interact via GEFONT website.
Major Outputs Network among affiliates, zone offices and GEFONT central office Use of open office and Interactive website about national and international trade union movement and also for solidarity and advocacy
Activities Administrative arrangement and preparatory output –Recruitment of Program Co-ordinator –Selection of affiliates and GEFONT zone offices –Design and publish a Programme chart for clear understanding of the Programme –Orientation on Programme to the affiliates and member of IT cell of GEFONT
Activities Output-1: Network among affiliates, zone offices and GEFONT central office –Establish data base server in GEFONT central office using MySql with Internet interface. –Buy Internet access for those offices which do not have –Establish Network with central server to affiliates and zone offices
Activities Output-2: Use of open office and Select and train 45 GEFONT activists for training on open office and Conduct the three different training for different participants on Open Office and Motivate women to participate in training through Central Women Workers Departments -CWWD Encourage participant to use the for their union activities and connect their member via
Activities Output-3: Interactive website on national and international trade union movement and also for solidarity and advocacy Regularly update GEFONT existing website Adding features of News update, Library, Online legal service, interactive migrant sector using PHP in frontend and MySql in backend Incorporate active action and top headlines Post labour related news on regularly Request ILO/TURIN for free webspace.
Monitoring A schedule of Action Plan will be prepared prior to implementation The two member committee including the Programme Co-ordinator will monitor the Programme activities regularly The feedback and changes suggested by the monitoring committee will be incorporated from time to time in achieving the objectives of the Programme
Final Evaluation Evaluation on effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, unanticipated effects, alternative strategies and other implementation issues of the Programm