QPR ScoreCard QPR Software Plc through TranZen Inc.
Why Executing the strategy with Balanced ScoreCard gives Tremendous results? ”90% of organizations fail to execute their strategies.” ”95% of the typical workforce don’t understand their organization's strategy.” 70% of organizations do not link middle management incentives to strategy (Dr.David P. Norton, 2002)
Link vision to measures VISION STRATEGY CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS INDIVIDUAL MEASURES Where is the organization going? How do we get there? What do we have to do well? How do we measure that it goes well? Vision targets Overall targets Strategic targets Operative targets Action Plan, Comments
Balance the perspectives Financial If we succeed financially, how will we look to our owners? Customer To achieve the vision, how must we look to our customers? Process To satisfy our customers, in which processes should we excel? Development To achieve our vision, how can we secure that our performance is continuously improved? Employees To achieve our vision, how can we ensure that our employees are continuously developed and being positive? Yesterday Today Tomorrow
The benefits of Balanced ScoreCard (1) Implements strategy –Strategy becomes part of every day actions –Strategy becomes the property of every employee Communicates targets –Increases efficiency by clarifying targets –Increases motivation (when connected to bonus system) –Increases commitment - if you don't understand, you can't be committed
The benefits of Balanced ScoreCard (2) Target-setting is done from every perspective –Balanced follow-up on performance –Enables quick reaction to changes Identifies business drivers –Moves the focus from financial figures to those figures that really guide the business –Management focus is transferred from has-been-done management to will-be-done management Enables fast reaction to changes
QPR ScoreCard is used to... PLAN – form a winning strategy and align objectives with the strategy IMPLEMENT – Implement the Balanced ScoreCard methodology efficiently COMMUNICATE – Communicate the strategy and targets effectively to all employees COMMIT PEOPLE – People align their own activities with the strategy and achieve better results
Benefits from Day One ”I can save time, save money, and make money from the very beginning.” –Low level of IT support needed –Easy to learn, develop and utilize –Scorecards are instantly visible in the web –Effective goal deployment from the very beginning
High Return on Investment ”QPR ScoreCard works - I can make money with it!” –Payback time less than a year –ROI 133% / year –Remarkable time-savings Top management decision-making process becomes more efficient (Ben Patterson, Unisys)
Commit People on Organizational Targets Efficient web deployment with interactive user interface Personalized content with QPR Portal Integrate the system into everyday tasks and operations ”Push” information via
users in 500+ organizations Unisys American Red Cross Finnair Fortum HEX DST Systems Electrolux RAG INFORMATIK GmbH Spenncon AS BAX Global I.D.C. Holding Swisscom Astra Zeneca Arla Foods Stora Enso Grafobal Spinea Celero Support NCC SCC Viatek US Marine Corp. The Finnish Defence Forces 4 th Q 2002, UNDP announced the implementation of QPR BSC for over 100 offices worldwide
Collaborative Management Software Committing People to Objectives QPR ScoreCard 7.2 Introduction
QPR ScoreCard Collaborative Management Software Committing People to Objectives QPR ScoreCard Create Strategy Awareness Integrate Performance Management to Your Organization Commit People to Objectives Execute Strategy Monitor, Analyze & Benchmark Performance Performance mgmt Web Portal Strategy Maps Strategy documents Design & Communication of Management Processes Links to documents & applications Cascading Scorecards Warnings and alerts Personal Scorecards Data visualization & trends Consolidation & Drill-Down Briefing Booklets Reports Clear, quantitative target setting Personalization of BSC information Interactive feedback & action planning
Collaborative Management Software Collaborative Management (QPR 7) Corporate Performance Management (CPM) QPR Collaboration Portal QPR Collaboration Portal QPR ScoreCard Performance Management QPR ProcessGuide Process Management QPR ProcessGuide Process Management ABC Workflow automation Workflow automation Budgeting CRM Reporting ERP Legacy systems Integration
QPR 7 is the leading Collaborative Management Software Data Information Knowledge Insight Action Distributed data gathering, Integration Focused feedback, shared Best Practises, risk identification Measures, documentation, detailed process maps Strategy maps, process maps, Briefing Booklets, personalized informations Focused feedback,shared Best Practises, aligned actions, alerts QPR 7 supports:Management based on: Collection Structuring Communication Collaboration Decision
Benefits of QPR 7 Interactive - Commit People to Objectives –Strategy-driven action –Set targets and achieve them –Communicate through action planning and commenting Efficient - Get results fast –Easy and quick modeling of scorecards –Visual and clear presentation –Up-to-date information delivery on the web – alerts for quick reaction time Flexible – Meets Your Needs –Customizable terminology and graphical symbols –Scalable from standalone to corporate level balanced scorecard application Cost Effective – Enjoy Low TCO and Fast ROI –Less reporting, better information –Automatic updates from variety of data sources –Spend less time in measuring and more time in analyzing
Deploying QPR ScoreCard BSC DeveloperBSC Owner Interest Group / Stakeholder Create strategy maps Create scorecards Define measures Set up consolidations Manage Users rights View and analyze Update values Create comments Create action plans Upload Documents Review performance Analyze strategy Create action plans See strategy in action QPR ScoreCard D-ClientQPR Collaboration Portal
Managing the whole Organization
Web based Management Portal All Strategy and Process knowledge delivered through one easy to use Web Portal
Communicate Strategy with Web Enabled Strategy Maps
Consolidated information with drill-down
Set Clear Targets, Follow-up with action planning and commenting
Powerful Personalization of Portal Public bookmarks Personal home and default pages My Responsibilities Customizable analysis view
Web-based Discussion & Action Planning with File Attachments True intercative feedback channel! Give comments, analyse performance, create and assign action plans. Break down action plans to tasks. Attach project plans to your action plans. Gather & distribute best practise lessons
Web-enabled Briefing Booklets (1)
Web-enabled Briefing Booklets (2) Creating a booklet: 1.Browse and "shop" for the desired content (Add to Basket) 2.Create booklet and pages 3.Place content from basket on pages 4.Publish booklet Reading a booklet : 1.Open booklet notifications and click on link 2.Turn page
Fast Reaction with Alerts
QPR Portal: My Measures
Fully customizable measurement system What to measure? How to measure? How often?
Automated and scheduled measure updates
Cascade Scorecards to Entire Organization
Risk Management Risk identification Risk classification Impact assesment Risk mitigation Risk mgmt documentation
Detect Exceptional Performance with Warnings
Fully customizable measurement system What to measure? How to measure? How often?
Accelerate implementation using Measure Library
Online Resource Centre and User Community usernet.qpr.com
QPR Collaboration Portal DB (SQL, Oracle, …) QPR Application Server / Web Application Server QPR SC Development Client QPR Collaboration Portal ERP CRM SCM Documents Corporate Network Inter-/Intra-/Extranet
QPR ScoreCard - Integration User Interface Integration –Linked Reports (e.g. Crystal Reports, Business Objects etc.) –Linked documents (e.g. MS Office) –PIM Applications (e.g. Lotus Notes, MS Outlook) –Portals (e.g. Corporate Intranets) Data Integration –Data imports from ERP-, CRM-, Financial Systems (e.g. SAP, Siebel, Peoplesoft etc.) –Cross application reporting (e.g. Crystal Reports, Business Objects etc.) User Management Integration –LDAP / Windows NT / Active directory Integration QPR API (Application Programming Interface)
Why QPR ScoreCard ?
BSC Software Classification (source: Gartner Group) Corporate Performance Management Suites Balanced Scorecard Applications Business Intelligence Tools Scope of implementation Degree of integration Required IT Support / Skills Required Customisation Broad Focused LowHigh Low (Analytical) Full Integration (Closed Loop) QPR ScoreCard
What do I get? The Key Benefits of QPR ScoreCard Communicate Targets Effectively Short Time-to-benefits SAP Hyperion PBViews QPR ScoreCard MS OfficeOracle Efficient web deployment Personalized information Customizable to customer needs ”Push” information with alerts Low IT overhead Fast building of scorecards Easy-to-use Automatic web delivery
How does it work? The Key Features of QPR ScoreCard Scalability Ease of Use SAP Hyperion PBViews QPR ScoreCard MS OfficeOracle Scales down to standalone usage Scales up to corporate wide usage Large amount of users, large models Available as ASP ”MS Office”-style clients Intuitive web interface Easy to install Personalized information in the web
Does it work (in the future too)? Vendor and Technology Vendor Commitment Open, independent application SAP Hyperion PBViews QPR ScoreCard MS OfficeOracle Big enough (QPR has a good size) Small enough (to be flexible and agile) Right product mix (important one, but not the last straw) ”Windows – independent” technology Any major web browser Any major web server Any major database Integrate seamlessly to corporate intranet
How much does it cost? Financial Justification Low Total Cost of Ownership High Return on Investment SAP Hyperion PBViews QPR ScoreCard MS OfficeOracle Fast implementation No IT maintenance work License cost is a small fraction of TCO Direct financial savings in data gathering and reporting The benefits of BSC Committed people make huge impact on business success
User Types Utilizers –DECISION MAKERS ARE IN THIS CATEGORY! –Web Client Developers –Model builders –DClient IT Administrators –Install and administrate the system
Why Executing the strategy with Balanced ScoreCard gives Tremendous results? ”90% of organizations fail to execute their strategies.” ”95% of the typical workforce don’t understand their organization's strategy.” 70% of organizations do not link middle management incentives to strategy (Dr.David P. Norton, 2002)