The Sociology of Everyday Life
Our Selves in Social Interaction Status. –Refers to position in social hierarchy. –Is a relational term. Role. –Refers to the behavioural expectations of a status. –One holds a status and performs a role. Role and status are sociological topics. The dramaturgical perspective emphasizes role- playing and other “play-like” aspects of everyday life.
Ethnomethodology The term “ethnomethodology.” The nature of social order: in real time and “from the bottom up.” Social order consists of rules that we create, follow, and enforce (as in the management of conversation).
The Tic-Tac-Toe Experiment The “rules” were implicit. The “breach” of the rules was treated as motivated (and as morally wrong), not as random. The “breach” was not ignored, and could not have been ignored- breaches are always noticed. Some other breaching experiments that you can try at home…
A Few Additional Topics in the Sociology of Everyday Life Impression management Politeness norms and rituals of personal space The relationship between social status and language use (and other cultural issues) The sociology of emotions