Accessible Registries of Rights Information on Orphan Works towards the EDL Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus ARROW.


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Presentation transcript:

Accessible Registries of Rights Information on Orphan Works towards the EDL Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus ARROW

 Increasing demand for content on the internet  Content moves from printed material to digital format  Consumers buy rights for the digital use of content  Get access, download, duplicate, distribute, print, etc.  Good information structure for print material  ISBN, Books in Print, National bibliographies  Solutions for a digital information infrastructure needed 2 Towards a «Digital Information Infrastructure»

 Inclusion of copyrighted works in the digitisation programmes  High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries (HLG )  Address the organisational, legal and technical challenges  Contribute to a shared strategic vision for European digital libraries  Consultate with stakeholders  Copyright Subgroup  Analyse Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Issues Digital preservation Orphan works Out-of-print-works 3 i2010 Digital Libraries initiative

“In some cases rightholders cannot be identified or located; as a result, works can be classified as ‘orphan’. […] Both text-based and audiovisual material include substantial amounts of works with unclear copyright status.” (i2010 Digital Libraries High Level Expert Group – Copyright Subgroup, 2007) 4 Orphan works

 British Library estimates 40% of all print works are orphan works  Outcome  Digitisation & online accessibility is hampered  Libraries are prevented from their preservation & dissemination mandate  Proposed solution  Databases with information on orphan works  Improved inclusion of information on rightholders  Enhanced contractual practices  Diligent search guidelines 5 Orphan works

“A work that is commercially not available, as declared by the appropriate rightholders, regardless of the existence of tangible copies of the work as normally understood.” (i2010 Digital Libraries High Level Expert Group – Copyright Subgroup, 2007) 6 Out-of-print works

 Most of the 20 th Century works are out-of-print-works  Outcome  A work might be still of high cultural or scientific interest  For digitisation projects each title has to be contracted separately  Proposed solution  A model license  Establishment of a database of out-of-print works  A joint clearance centre  A procedure to clear rights 7 Out-of-print works

 Germany   Marketing- und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels (MVB)  Publishers provide services for full text search within books  Norway  National Library, a collecting society and Author’s and Publisher’s Associations  Agreement to provide access to full text via library services  France   National Library and Publisher’s Association  Realistic model for the coexistence of public and private offers 8 Recent initiatives

 National solutions vary as they must fit different…  cultural and economic requirements  commercial practices  publishing arenas  library infrastructures and visions  copyright regulations  Resources are not interoperable  Differences in the data collection policies  Differences in adopted meta data schemes  Databases rarely contain metadata about rights ownership and usage policies Challenges 9

 Libraries  Biblioteca Nacional de Espana (BNE)  Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF)  British Library (BL)  Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)  National Library of Norway (NLN)  Library of the Universität Innsbruck (UIBK)  Narodna in Univerzitetna Knijznica (NUK)  Publishers Associations  Associazione Italiana Editori (AIE)  Federación de Gremios de Editores de Espana (FGEE)  Reproduction Rights Organisation  Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)  International Organisations  European Digital Library (EDL)  Federation of European Publishers (FEP)  International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO)  Technology Developers  Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico dell’Italia Nord Orientale (CINECA)  NUMILOG  ISBN Agency  Marketing und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels (MVB) 10 ARROW Contract Partners

 Publishers Association  Syndicat national de l’Édition (SNE)  Publishers Licensing Society (PLS)  Collecting Society representing Authors  Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS)  International Organisations  European Writers Congress (EWC)*  Reproduction Rights Organisations  Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDRO)  Centre Français d’exploitation du droit de Copie (CFC)  Copy-Dan Writing Information (COPYDAN)  KOPINOR  KOPIOSTO  Library  Finnish National Library (FNL) 11 ARROW Associated Partners *invited to join the Steering Committee

1. Digital libraries and private eContent collections coexist. 2. Copyright is a facilitator, not an obstacle for content access. 3. Only a distributed solution can work in the multicultural European environment. ARROW Concept 12

Digital Preservation Orphan Works Out-of-Print Works Online Access OP Books Business Models Diligent search guidelines Registries/databases Rights Clearance Centres Model Agreement I Model Agreement II ARROW scope 13 ARROW (Accessible Registries of Rights Information on Orphan Works towards the EDL)

 Provide tools to support any diligent search model  Provide standards to declare copyright information  Collect data about such declaration  Develop tools to enable different business models to be interoperable  Evaluate licensing models and develop clearance mechanisms  Define what a diligent search should be  Endorse the information about IPR status  Define “the best” business model to be adopted We willWe will not 14  ARROW is a technical project with political value  We will not do policy, we will serve policy ARROW scope

 Interoperability  Create tools allowing different solutions implemented to be interoperable  Address the problem of interoperability along the digital libraries value chain  Standards deployment  Produce guidelines on applicable standards for content identification and description technical interoperability  Stakeholder involvement Key Aspects 15

16 Target GroupAdded value Libraries Increase services provided to their users Reduce costs Right holders Access the emerging e-content market Exploiting marginal niches Maintaining control over the content RROs Assist right holders Expanding existing services Offering new services eRetailers Higher visibility in the Internet to their collections Provide services to right holders Reach new potential markets European Digital Library Give access to multiple collections Redirect users to the appropriate resources or services Added value

 Deliver a rights information infrastructure operable within and across borders  Facilitate identification of rightholders (creators/publishers)  Facilitate the identification of the IPR status  Network of orphan works registries  Provide test beds for  Business models for digital libraries  Registries for Orphan works and Out of Print works  Rights clearance mechanisms  Model licences developped by the HLG  Interoperability and criteria for interoperability  Standard deployment Objectives 17

18 Project Cycle Phase I (Months 4-12) Studies on current information infrastructure Interoperability & Standards deployment Legal framework & Business Models Design & implementation of system and tools Creation of Registry of Orphan Works Network of clearing mechanisms Assessment & Validation Definition of methodology & tool preparation Testing of the system mechanisms Phase II (Months 10-18) Phase III (Months 18-30) Start up (Months 1-3) Set up of organisational structure Definition of a detailed work plan Open project meeting

Work Packages Work Packages (WP)WP Leaders 1 Management and Evaluation AIE Associazione Italiana degli Editori 2 Dissemination and awareness IFRRO International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations 3 Legal and business models FEP Federation of European Publishers 4 Interoperability BNF Bibliothèque Nationale de la France 5 Design of system architecture MVB Marketing- und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels 6 Set up of rights information structure CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico 7 Validation UIBK Universität Innsbruck

 Distributed network of sources for information on copyright status  Data about European literary works for the identification of right holders  Guidelines and tools to foster interoperability between private and public collections  Guidelines for the identification of the status of a work  Creation of an European registry of Orphan Works (ROW)  Establishment of Rights Clearing Centers Expected results 20

 Stakeholder involvement  Public-Private-Partnership  All stakeholders in the book value net are involved  European Dimension  Inclusion of a significant number of European Union Member States  Genuine pan-European dimension based on national experiences  Preservation of cultural heritage  Access to the collective memory  Creation of added-value products and services Benefits 21

CONTACT PIERO ATTANASIO Corso di Porta Romana Milano Italy Tel +39 (02) Fax +39 (02) ARROW Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus