CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, /25 1 WP 5.1 Compliance of outcomes to INSPIRE and European and International standards
CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, / Dissemination and Awareness 1 - Management 2 - SoA of data and user needs 3- Metadata profile and data model 4 - Geoportal 5 - Validation and testing Cognitive Phase Development Phase ValidationPha se 6 - Networking
CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, /25 3 INSPIRE, CEN and ISO EuropeanISOCENINSPIRECEN PrestandardStandardStandardIR andStandard Guidline non-mandatory mandatory
CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, /25 4 Original plan: Validation according to INSPIRE Implementing Rules –metadata (available) –data specifications (draft available soon) –network services (draft available since November 5). The IR for monitoring and reporting will define the components for which compliancy should apply. Validation process according to this IR, for each identified standard, a will be identified, implemented and applied to each component based on this standard.
CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, /25 5 Original plan EuropeanISOCENINSPIRECEN PrestandardStandardStandardIR andStandard Guidline non-mandatory mandatory
CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, /25 6 Change of plans First draft INSPIRE data specification delivered Chance to verify the data model proposed by INSPIRE No result from WP 2 and 3 yet Check INSPIRE data specification against CEN and ISO standards Prepare CEN standard Metadata for discovery for harmonization of inconsistencies
CEN/TC 287 Meeting, Berlin, Germany, /25 7 New plan EuropeanISOCENINSPIRECEN PrestandardStandardStandardIR andStandard Guidline non-mandatory mandatory