Turbulence and Seeing measurements at Dome C A collaboration UNSW, CTIO and the University of Nice
What did we learn at the South Pole?
South Pole 2001……and Dome C 2003
The boundary layer cycle
The cycle in the Dome C Summer 00:0006:0012:0000:0018:0006:0012:0000:0018: Best seeing when: 1) Minimum radiation from the Sun 2) Minimum Thermal gradient
The cycle in the Dome C Summer
Free atmosphere turbulence
Effect of the high altitude wind: Paranal
MASS first data 24/03
Seeing Mauna Kea Paranal
Isoplanatic Angle Paranal
Coherence Time
Conclusion Already spectacular Seeing values, expected to improve in winter Very advantageous ground level turbulence profile Need more data to conclude on the isoplanatic angle and coherence time