1 Semantic Technology supporting science Peter Mika / Dept. of Computer Science / Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
2 Overview Two systems One technology Many possibilities
3 flink networks in science
4 Flink Social network data collection, aggregation, storage and visualization Target: the Semantic Web community Semantic Web technology Ontology-based representation and reasoning Try it Open source (in part) Elmo API for Sesame 1 st Semantic Web Challenge, 2004
5 FOAF profiles Web sPublications Representation, storage and reasoning Presentation and Analysis Data acquisition Sesame
6 Browsing
7 Subcommunities
8 Associations between research topics
9 Geographic visualization
10 Network analysis
11 Network measures vs. status vs. performance SWWS, ISWC chair (4)W3C co-chairs (2) Journal of Web Semantics (4) IEEE Intelligent Systems (3)
12 openacademia metadata for the masses
13 Metadata micro-management Repository for small research groups Software you can download and install Distributed system (unlike CiteSeer, DBLP…) Open source As easy as… Maintaining a BibTex/Endnote file for yourself Optionally: filling out a form to create a personal/group profile Instant gratification For the researcher: publication list and RSS feed for homepage by adding a tag and one line of JavaScript For the group: reporting, dissemination on group homepage etc.
14 Pimp your homepage
15 Query interface
16 Applying the BibTex stylesheet
17 We got tagclouds!
18 And social networks.
19 RSS feeds, live bookmarks
20 Publication list for homepage
21 Architecture Can be another openacademia server! Can be remote server! XSLT transformation to produce to produce HTML, BibTex etc.
22 Semantic technologies
23 The benefits: modelling & aggregation Explicit RDF/OWL allows to express and reason with what it means for two things to be the same (smushing) Extendible Designed to be distributed both in terms of schema and data Mappings between different schemas can also be expressed in the language Flexible Mappings can be partial, robustness* Standard Standard languages (RDFS, OWL, SPARQL) Standard vocabularies (DC, PRISM, SWRC) Standard protocols (SPARQL)
24 The drawbacks Limited expressivity e.g. complex inverse functional properties e.g. swrc:page, prism:startingPage and prism:endingPage Ontology-based interchange is still partly social engineering Scalability
25 What about Web 2.0?
26 Folksonomies are ontologies Large number of individual tagging actions result in the emergence of the semantics of tags Lightweight, dynamic* ontologies P. Mika. Ontologies are us: A unified model of social networks and semantics. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005), Yolanda Gil, Enrico Motta, Richard V. Benjamins and M. A. Musen (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 3729, page , Galway, Ireland, November, 2005
27 Tagging Tagging interests in flink, topics of publications in openacademia (also Connotea, CiteULike, bibsonomy etc.) Tag interchange is problematic in general flickr:ajax = del.icio.us:ajax ? flick:ball:Peter = flick:ball:John ? flick:ball:Peter:1990 = flick:ball:Peter:2006 ? More flexible than controlled vocabularies Tracks the evolution of the language better Should work for scientific objects (publications, presentations etc.) Users have the same object in mind when tagging, limited community (scientific jargon)
28 Blogging, semantic wikis openacademia imports comments about publications Required: blog search (auto-discovery?) Semantic wikis are promising Metadata directly in RDF Syntactic metadata for now (who commented on what, what time)
29 P2P?P2P?
30 Example: Bibster P2P bibliography sharing system Each peer has an RDF triple store with publication metadata Advanced query routing based on semantic models of the content and user interests Outcome of the EU IST project SWAP and winner of a number of awards, featured on Slashdot No one uses it. Software you install – and keep running
31 openacademia p2p Servers of research groups are networked Web-based infrastructure VUA Stanford openacademia.org/ servers.rdf
32 p2p spirit flink and openacademia can be ‘edited’ by anyone 1.Create descriptions of publications, personal metadata, group and event definitions 2.Let our crawler find it
33 future bright
34 Trends Changing form of publishing Demise of the journal as distribution channel Community reviewing Demise of the journal as quality seal The semantic conference e.g. ESWC 2006 In general: More and more data Increased connectedness of data sources Productivity
35 Do you still go to the library? Do you still read journals? Online repositories Researchers Who is involved? PublishersLibraries