Nanoflares and MHD turbulence in Coronal Loop: a Hybrid Shell Model Giuseppina Nigro, F.Malara, V.Carbone, P.Veltri Dipartimento di Fisica Università della Calabria
A Statistical approach to Solar Flares Ratio of EIT full Sun images in Fe XII 195A to Fe IX/X 171A Temperature distribution in the Sun's corona: - dark areas cooler regions - bright areas hotter regions
Power laws for statistics of events Power peak distribution Duration distribution Total energy distribution
Parker’s conjecture (1988) Nanoflares correspond to dissipation of many small current sheets, forming in the bipolar regions as a consequence of the continous shuffling and intermixing of the footpoints of the field in the photospheric convection. Current sheets: tangential discontinuity which become increasingly severe with the continuing winding and interweaving eventually producing intense magnetic dissipation in association with magnetic reconnection.
Waiting time distribution Waiting time distribution of soft X- ray nanoflares can be fitted with a Levy function (asymptotically power law) ( Lepreti et al., 2001) Waiting time distribution of soft X- ray nanoflares displays a power law (Boffetta, Carbone et al., 1999)
Parker’s conjecture modified Nanoflares correspond to dissipation of many small current sheets, forming in the nonlinear cascade occuring inside coronal magnetic structure as consequence of the power input in the form of Alfven waves due to footpoint motiont. Current sheets: coherent intermittent small scale structures of MHD turbulence
MHD equations in the wave vector space In Fourier space we have a large number of variables For = +, - Dynamical (shell) models 1) Introduce a exponential spacing of the wave vectors space (shells) 2) Assign to each shell ONLY two dynamical variables
Solar Flares: intermittent dissipative events within MHD turbulence? The time between two bursts is , we calculate the pdf p( ). 1) Total energy of bursts 2) Time duration 3) Energy of peak In all cases we found power laws.
The Hybrid Shell Model Corona: cold plasma ( <<1) Geometry associated with coronal magnetic structures High magnetic field B 0 along the loop To take into account: Limitations of classical Shell Model Associated with incompressible fluids ( >>1) Shell models do not give any information on spatial structure (the energy input from photospheric motions is delocalized in space)
MHD Turbulence in Coronal Loops In a coronal loop: Small beta values Large aspect ratio Small perpendicular to parallel magnetic field ratio Alfven wave propagation along background magnetic field Incompressible MHD in perpendicular direction were non linear couplings take place Reduced MHD can be used (RMHD): = +,-
A Hybrid Shell Model Fourier transform in the direction perpendicular to B 0,while keeping the dependence on lungitudinal coordinate: A shell model in the wave vector space perpendicular to B 0 can be derived: (Hybrid : the space dependence along B 0 is kept) = +, - n=0,..n max
Space dependence along B 0 allows to chose boundary conditions: A random gaussian motion with autocorrelation time t c = 300 s is imposed at the lower boundary only on the largest scales The level of velocity fluctuations at lower boundary is of the order of photospheric motions v ~ c A ~ 1 Km/s Model parameters: L ~ Km, R ~ 6, c A ~ Km/s Boundary Conditions Total reflection is imposed at the upper boundary
Energy spectra A Kolmogorov spectrum is formed mainly on kinetic energy Magnetic energy dominates with respect to kinetic energy forcing >> T A =C A /L The velocity fluctiation in the loop are larger two orders of magnitude with respect to photospheric motions Magnetic Energy Kinetic Energy
After a transient a statistical equilibrium is reached between incoming flux, outcoming flux and dissipation. The level of fluctuations inside the loop is considerably higher than that imposed at the lower loop boundary. Dissipated power displays a sequence of spikes. Energy balance About 60% of the energy which enter the sistem is dissipated while about 35% propagate outside. Averege flux and dissipation tend to cancel out. Stored Energy Energy flux Dissipated Power
Power laws are recovered on Power peak, burst duration, burst energy and waiting time distributions The obtained energy range correspond to nanoflare energy range Power PeakBurst duration Burst EnergyWaiting time Statistical analysis of dissipated power
CONCLUSIONS Strong energy storage in the loop ( B 0.2 B 0, v 30 v forcing ) Large dominance of magnetic with respect to velocity fluctuations Good agreement with power laws of observed power peak, total energy, duration and waiting time distribution Reproduction of the full energy range of nanoflares energies Dipartimento di Fisica Università della Calabria Giuseppina Nigro