Is There Ever the Right Time – To Start a Capital Campaign? Norm Velnes The Velnes Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Is There Ever the Right Time – To Start a Capital Campaign? Norm Velnes The Velnes Group

Is Now the Time? Assessing the economic climate;  What is the “mood” of the community? Are people feeling “at ease” or are they “uneasy.”  What are the economic markers in; The business community The stock market

“The best time to raise money is when you are prepared.” “There is no ‘perfect moment’ to raise money.” Jerold Panas

The silent generation (born ) make larger gifts than typical in difficult times. Think mission. Stay close to your best donors. This is the time to seek challenge gifts and matching gifts Jerry

What’s Happening in the Non- profit Community? Are there other campaigns in progress or about to be launched? What campaigns have just taken place and what was their impact on the community? What constituencies have been affected by recent campaign?

Organizational Readiness Donor Base  Assess size and strength of the donor base.  Is there an active annual campaign?  Review the history of other major campaigns.  Assess the image of the organization in the community.

Let’s Think About Your Board  Is there a strong board?  Is the board currently interested in fundraising?  Do they understand the implications of a campaign?  Are they will to support the campaign?

Building the Case There are two “case studies.”  “Draft” case for support Used in feasibility study. Test document.  Outlines the project and the need(s) it will answer.  Includes project budget. Elicit stakeholder’s opinions and advise.

Building a Case (cont.) Revised case statement.  Based upon the “draft” statement. Becomes one of your “marketing” pieces. Includes final amount to be raised and plans.  Must be motivational.  Must express the values of the organization.  Must point out what is unique about the project and the organization.

Is the Project Feasible? The first step after proposing a capital campaign is the feasibility study. Through the study you;  Get reaction to the case statement, the project, community opinion.  Test the fundraising goal  Build relationships with potential donors.  Test the timing.  Ask for advice.

Developing the Campaign Cabinet The right people on the bus in the right seats. Cabinet members must be:  Cabinet chair is the key.  Committed to the project.  Prepared to support it financially.  Prepared to make donor calls.  Hang in for the long haul.

Read, Set, Go (the mechanics) Building the timeline for the “quiet” and “public” phase Develop the “Silent Phase.” Securing the major gifts. 60% of total. Develop lists of potential donors, who will make the ask, and when. Develop the public campaign.

Some Additional Thoughts Think about donors as investors in your cause or project. Eliminate the gift mentality. Talk about the ROI (Return on Investment) of your organization.  There must be outcomes that have value.