University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Institute of Plant Molecular Biology Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences České Budějovice, Czech Republic COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group Josef Špak
COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group Since the meeting in Antalya we were discussing with Bob Martin (Corvallis USA), Willi Jelkmann, (BBA, Germany) and Stuart MacFarlane (SCRI, UK) a format for cooperation of scientists working on virus and virus- like diseases of small fruits/berries. COST 863 Action WG 2, which includes also pathogens might be good forum for this purpose. So far I was the only member giving talks about virus-like diseases. Most of pathogen-related talks were given on fungi/bacteria!!!
Vývoj diagnostiky virů v ÚMBR AV ČR Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) Karanténní pro Evropu Nejsou protilátky Neznámý genom Příznaky virové infekce v jahodníku Částice viru v elektronovém mikroskopu
Vývoj diagnostiky SVBV První kompletní sekvence viru Organizace genomu viru Diagnostika viru PETRZIK, K., BENEŠ, V., MRÁZ, I., HONETŠLEGROVÁ-FRÁNOVÁ, J., ANSORGE, W., ŠPAK, J.: Virus Genes 16: , 1998.
Vývoj molekulární diagnostiky SVBV Projekt EU 5th Framework „Virus Detector“ Soubor izolátů a sekvencí SVBV a příbuzných virů
Vývoj molekulární diagnostiky SVBV Projekt EU „Virus Detector“ Vašková D, Špak J, Klerks MM, Schoen CD, Thompson JR, Jelkmann W: Real- time NASBA for detection of Strawberry vein banding virus Eur. J. Plant Pathol návrh primerů pro PCR - ověření detekce viru v polních vzorcích
COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group Idea 1 Establish the COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group within WG 2 Idea 2 Prepare a Small Group meeting (SG) attached to some conference Qualification to attend –Active research on berryfruit virus/phytoplasma –Talk (preferably)/poster
COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group Tentative programme of the SG: Talks of SG members Talks of 2 invited speakers including non EU member states (U.S., Israel etc.) Discussion current research topics –RBDV resistance breaking in raspberry –RBDV in grapevines –BRV – severe/mild isolates etc. Research cooperation Joint projects in FP 7
Berryfruit Virus SG Meeting IOBC Workshop on Integrated Soft Fruit production, organized at East Malling on September 2007 Very much complementary with the scope of COST 863, I suppose this could be a good occasion for the SG berryfruit virology meeting. East Malling is a traditional place for small fruits Preliminary agreement with the local organizer Jerry Cross (room, data projector, fee?) SG could start on Thursday afternoon and continue on Friday, September 28th 2007 The SG participants could be reimbursed from COST 863 travel, accommodation and subsistence for 2 days?
Letter to potential SG members – March 2007 Please, let me know your opinion: Are you interested to establish and participate in a berry virus small group within the WG 2 of COST 863? Are you interested to attend the SG meeting attached to the IOBC Workshop on Integrated Soft Fruit production, organized at East Malling on September 2007, when I will be able to get financial support for travel reimbursement from COST 863 Action? Response statistics COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group
Berryfruit Virus Small Group
Do not hesitate to inform about this activity anyone in berryfruit virus/phytoplasma research field. COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group
Points to discuss SG establishment Yes/No SG meeting at East Malling Yes/No Programme amendments Participants (up to 10 pers.?) Budget COST 863 Berryfruit Virus Small Group
Thank your for your attention