Web 2.0 Technologies: Blogging and Podcasting
To introduce you to blogs and podcasts and where they fit into the literacy framework To show you how to create a simple blog or podcast
What is Web 2.0? consuming Web (parents) downloading ‘corporate’ Source: ChildNet
What is Web 2.0? consuming Web (parents) Web 2.0 (pupils) creating downloadinguploading ‘corporate’personal Source: ChildNet
Blogging Can be a personal diary, your private thoughts, a soapbox or a news update You can blog photos, videos, links to websites, funny things, sad things, private thoughts, public outcrys … there are no set rules! Visitors can read your blog, subscribe to your blog and add comments
“Follow an ongoing event with the class via the Internet. For example: read the diary entries (blogs) from a round-the-world yacht voyage follow a major international sporting tournament by comparing perspectives from around the world”
Blogging in Schools?
“Maintain an online reading journal so that readers may log their reading experiences and others, such as parents and teachers, may comment and make suggestions to guide future reading.” “Use a discussion board for pupils to share ideas. For example, responding to a text. Where appropriate, extend the principle by allowing access from home or by working in partnership with people from another school.”
Paris Trip by Musselburgh Grammar School, East Lothian
What Blogging Offers Part of a wider body of knowledge Real world audience Connects with other schools Archives learning using the pupil voice Children who are reticent orally can make their voice heard in written form Student as expert in a particular field Teaches ‘new literacy’ Can address any curriculum area
Let’s have a go!
Podcasting Takes blogs into the realm of multimedia Involves creation and distribution of sound and video
“Produce audio commentaries to be played back by an individual on a portable audio device as they move around a particular location – eg: a guide to an art exhibition in which artists describe their pictures and sculptures a guide to accompany a local history walk with descriptive and explanatory speech pertinent to specific points on the walk”
Podcasting Chatsworth House Podcast
“Take any digitally recorded audio outcomes from pupils’ work and share with a wider audience via the Internet. Eg. as part of the Y6 journalistic writing unit pupils may produce a radio news bulletin and augment it with interviews, adverts and other types of text appropriate to the medium of radio.” “Audio files may be simply uploaded to a website so that they may be downloaded manually by listeners. Alternatively, if regular episodes are to be broadcast, have a podcast feed set up so that listeners may subscribe and have episodes delivered to them automatically. Eg. a regular radio podcast through which a single class share examples of poetry, audio plays, interviews, stories, reports/recounts, advertisements etc.”
Podcasting The Tempest Scene 2 Podcast created by Year 3 EAL pupils from Westminster C of E Primary School in Bradford.
Let’s have a go!
What Podcasting Offers All the advantages of blogging … Teachers can create resources e.g. for homework or revision Students can archive work done in school Develops speaking and listening skills and creative authoring, developing a real world purpose and audience Increase pupil engagement in the curriculum and self-confidence Provide imaginative ways into the curriculum Communication - newsletter, collaboration, event announcement E-learning – video on demand, revision, audio texts Creative authoring – art, music, media, animation Presentation – radio, interviewing, storytelling, poetry
Audio/Podcasting Software Kudlian Software Podcaster Podium Audacity Microsoft PhotoStory 3
Video Podcasting The Dylan Show Chopsticks
Web 2.0 Technologies: Blogging and Podcasting