current status of LVL1 Muon-Endcap Trigger simulation Tadashi MAENO ( CERN ) for the developers of TGC simulation code TDAQ-week in LISBON ( 23th Oct. 03 )
Development of TrigT1TGC TrigT1TGC is based on the standalone software for TGC electronics. The simulator has been used for verification of hardware, so fully reliable. Since end of 2002, we started to integrate our simulator with other components on Athena framework. TrigT1TGC Hardware check Test-beam verification Standalone simulator Athena
Current status of TrigT1TGC TrigT1TGC has all the functionality appeared in the electronics it allows us to compare the result in all the step. SlaveBoard PatchPanel HighPtBoard SectorLogic StarSwitch ReadOutDriver Components of TrigT1TGC Digit ROI, pT ByteStream Readout part Trigger part
Requirements of TrigT1TGC TrigT1TGC on Athena framework TrigT1TGC TrigT1CTP TrigT1MuctpiDC1 Zebra HLT Digit ByteStream ROI, pT pT threshold RoiSvc Blue line: done Red line: on going
Development of Readout part Bytestream format, bare-RDO and prepared-RDO were defined with help of Ketevi, thanks ! Preparation of converter is going on (~ end of Oct.). TrigT1TGC ByteStreamCnv Prepare-RDOByteStream HLT Bare-RDO Hit data Trigger data (SLB coincidence)
Development of CablingSvc On-line ID is private electronics ID. Converter to/from official Identifier (Offline-ID) was prepared. TGCcablingSvc [ MuonSpectrometer/MuonCablings/TGCcabling ] RDO DIGI For HLT TrigT1TGC DC1 Zebra Digitized input TGCcabling
Development of RoiSvc for “ Trigger Part “, one missing thing is “ RoiSvc “, it should be appeared soon for ( HLT study ) TrigT1TGCTrigT1Muctpi ROI RoiSvc HLT TGCcablingSvc DetectorDiscription Region of Roi eta, phi Roi
what will come using these tools ? DIGI recorded in DC1 zebra-file ( MuonId ) CablingSvc ( offline online ) TrigT1TGC ( Trigger Simulation ) bare and/or prepared -RDO ROI SL output to Muctpi for HLT study Trigger map refinement Trigger efficiency study ( Pt vs efficiency,... ) for input data of HLT
Schedule before end of this year ( target release ) –all the function mentioned in last slide should be appeared Application to the Test Beam analysis of this framework is foreseen (~ Dec.)
Conclusion TrigT1TGC will have full functionality for both readout part and trigger part, before Muon-Endcap Trigger study starts soon. Trigger efficiency pT threshold R-Phi map for SectorLogic