Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Georg Kelm European Commission DG Information Society & Media Nano-electronics Russian Participation in IST FP6
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Outline Coop. with Third Countries in FP6 Co-op. with Russia in FP6 Mechanisms of Coop. and Involvement What’s new in FP7 Further Info & Contacts
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Coop. with 3rd Countries in FP6 ( ) 3rd Countries’ Share in IST: 300 out of 4700 organisations 30 M€ out of >3,8 B€ funding ( 2%! Target 3rd countries did not get an adequate share of funding However, among them Russia is a top beneficiary !
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 3rd Country Participation in IST FP6
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Top 10 Participants in FP6 from 3rd Countries
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Number of Retained Proposals from 3rd Countries
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Coop. with Russia in FP6 ( ) Russia’s share among 3rd Countries: 32 out of 300 organisations = 11% 4,5 M€ out of 30 M€ funding = 15% Overall participation in 22 different IST topics of which 3 - Nano-El./Phot./MEMS – > 40% of total funding for Russia! Russian organisations in 36 projects Most successful participation by partners from Moscow and St. Petersburg (next slide) FP6 InfoDays took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Coop. with Russia in FP6 ( ) Some Details on Russian Participation: 6 out of 32 organisations are private companies Others are public organisations (univ., RAS, etc.) Most successful participants: Inst. of Informatics & Autom. (RAS, St. Pbg.) - 4x Inst. Ioffe (RAS, St. Pbg.) – 3x Inst. of Operating Systems (Moscow) – 3x Inst. of Control Sciences (Moscow) – 2x Highest funding in R&D project : 600 k€ - ISAN Funding range from 12k€ to 600 k€ Average funding in R&D project : 132 k€
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Coop With Russia in FP6 FP6 Example: DOMINO 2 M€ Photonics Project GaSb based QD laser diodes, 3-5 µm Physical prop. and growth techniques 3 years, 6 partners from 5 countries: F, D, I, UK, Russia (Ioffe Institute, St.P. with 60 out of 375 p.y. of R&D in total) Goal: Wout = 10mW, cw at RT Use: e.g. communication, gas sensors
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Coop. with 3rd Countries in FP7 ( ) 2 Mechanisms: 1. All themes open to projects with Int’l Coop. Target Countries* 2. Specific targeted actions for ICTC’s according to their needs Basis: Mutual Interest & Benefit * Mediterranean/W. Balkans/E. Europ. C’s/C. Asian C’s/ACP/Asia/L. America
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Greater Involvement of Greater Involvement of Central and Eastern Europe in FP7 More information events in Central and Eastern Europe Directory of European Photonics Expertise in Research Launched : Photonics Europe, April Set up an on-line database in Photonics Area
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 DEPER DEPER DEPER is an on-line database where you can advertise the photonics expertise, equipment and capability you would like to offer potential research partners. Mainly intended for Research Institutions, Universities and SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe (but not limited to these)
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 DEPER DEPER If you want to increase your opportunities for getting involved in European Research projects, DEPER is where you can advertise what you have to offer. If you are putting together a proposal and are missing some photonics expertise or capability, DEPER is where you can search
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 What’s New in FP7? Rules for Participation: Min. 3 indep. part. from 3 MS or AC Front. res. + Coord.+ Support actions: min.1 part. Spec.actions. for ICPC:2 MS/AC+2 ICTC Max. funding for research and demo: 50% of eligible costs + SMEs : 75% of eligible costs Other activities: (fund.res./mgt./coord/supp./train.): 100%
Coop. EU-Russia, ICT FP7, Moscow 22/02/2007 Cnacubo 3a BHUMAHUE Website FP7, all ICT: Website FP7, only challenge 3:(nanoel./phot./MEMS/embed.syst) (Photonics) (Organics/Displays) (MNTechnologies) (Int. Co-op)