Overview of the ARCS Project Plan: The View at One Year Doug Abernathy ARCS Instrument Scientist ARCS IDT Meeting Lujan Center, LANL September 30, 2002 SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge ARCS -- The Project -- Key People and Places Brent Fultz -- Caltech (project leader, coordinator, “aligner of personnel”) Doug Abernathy -- Caltech and Argonne (hardware project manager) Michael Aivazis -- Caltech (software project manager) Hardware Engineering – Argonne (Robb Williams) Hardware Construction -- Oak Ridge Software -- Caltech
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge ARCS -- The Project -- Management
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge Bifurcation of ARCS Full instrument had no contingency funds Canadian CFI program prompted interest in a second high-energy chopper instrument International class facility should have a general purpose and a magnetism instrument Presently ARCS 2% resolution 140 o at 3 m CNCS (E i <50 meV) 2% resolution 140 o at 3 m SEQUOIA 1% resolution 60 o at 5.5 m
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge – a wide Angular-Range Chopper Spectrometer Intended for study of atomic-scale dynamics in the thermal and epithermal range with single crystal capability. IDT headed by Brent Fultz Scientist : Doug Abernathy Moderatordecoupled poisoned water Beam line18 Source-sample13.6 m Sample-detector3.0m Lattice dynamics Entropy and the effects of vibrational modes on stability and phase transitions of solids Excitations in disordered materials; effects of nanoscale features on vibrational entropy and thermodynamic stability Equations of state from measurements of the phonon density of states as a function of temperature and pressure Phonons in correlated-electron materials; coupling of lattice and electronic degrees of freedom in high T c, heavy-fermion and mixed valence materials Magnetic dynamics High temperature superconductivity Crystal field spectroscopy Low dimensional systems; 1D quantum magnets and low-dimensional conductors Magnetism in actinide materials Heavy fermion magnetism and superconductivity Metal-insulator transitions in oxides Chemical Physics Deep inelastic neutron scattering studies of hydrogen Characterization of novel materials
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge ARCS Instrument Overview Moderator Shutter Guides Choppers Sample Detector Array
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge DOE Review – March 2002 The ARCS Baseline Review Committee included experts in instruments and in project management because no previous reviews had been held. Important recommendations: Develop a Project Execution Plan and Memorandum of Agreement with SNS to solidify the project management structure Major instrumental uncertainties need to be address: – Operation of detectors in vacuum – Shielding needed for personnel dose rates and backgrounds
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge Key dates in schedules as presented 3/02 EarlyLate Project start9/019/01 Detector in vacuum decision9/029/02 Guide procurement9/029/02 First detector module procurement8/039/05 Vessel procurement9/0310/03 Target inserts needed6/046/04 Target Building occupancy date6/046/04 Start installation6/046/04 End detector module assembly and testing5/057/06 SNS project early completion12/0512/05 End installation1/068/06 Project end9/069/06
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge SEQUOIA – a proposal for high-resolution Principal Investigator : Steve Nagler Instrument Scientist: Garrett Granroth Early identification should allow much better optimization of design for ARCS T0 E0 Pit Area Sample Beamstop Detectors
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge
SNS Instrument SystemsArgonne/Oak Ridge Costs Methods for cost reporting and tracking of the baseline schedule are being developed at Argonne with SNS personnel Preliminary costs through August 2002 for the instrument effort – Caltech: Hardware for prototype testing Costs: $89,600 Commitments: $23,900 – Oak Ridge: Personnel (instrument scientist; shielding calculations) Costs: $176,300 – Argonne: Personnel (engineer; designer; technician) Costs: $307,200 Current budget through August: Materials: $90,700Actual - $113,500 Work: $ 444,900Actual - $483,500