PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare CAPT Terry Briggs, USN PMS 490 MINWARA Summer Regional Conference 7 May 2003 Vision for The Future of Mining In Support of Sea Power 21
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 2 Projecting Offense... global presence, precision, and persistence Sea Power 21 Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? i SeaStrke SeaStrike FORCEnet S S e e a a S S h h i i e e l l d d S S e e a a B B a a s s i i n n g g Projecting Defense... assure allies, deter adversaries, ensure access Projecting Sovereignty... taking the joint force to sea
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 3 Sea Power 21 Projecting Defense... assure allies, deter adversaries, ensure access Cost-effective Force Protection S S e e a a S S h h i i e e l l d d FORCEnet Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit?
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 4 Sea Power 21 Projecting Defense... assure allies, deter adversaries, ensure access Cost-effective Force Protection Keep the enemy out of US/ALLIED operating areas S S e e a a S S h h i i e e l l d d FORCEnet Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit?
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 5 Sea Power 21 FORCEnet Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? SeaStrike Projecting Offense... global presence, precision, and persistence Power Projection
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 6 Sea Power 21 S S e e a a S S t t r r i i k k e e FORCEnet Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? Projecting Offense... global presence, precision, and persistence Power Projection Keep the enemy where he doesn’t want to be
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 7 Sea Power 21 S S e e a a S S t t r r i i k k e e FORCEnet Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? Projecting Offense... global presence, precision, and persistence Power Projection Keep the enemy where he doesn’t want to be Force the enemy into areas he doesn’t want to go
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 8 Sea Power 21 Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? FORCEnet Projecting Sovereignty... taking the joint force to sea Forward Deployed Organic Capability S S e e a a B B a a s s i i n n g g
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 9 Sea Power 21 Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? FORCEnet S S e e a a B B a a s s i i n n g g Projecting Sovereignty... taking the joint force to sea Forward Deployed Organic Capability MF Planning TDA MEDAL JMPS C4ISR
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 10 Sea Power 21 Projecting Sovereignty... taking the joint force to sea Forward Deployed Organic Capability MF Planning TDA Afloat stockpile Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? FORCEnet S S e e a a B B a a s s i i n n g g
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 11 Sea Power 21 Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? S S e e a a S S t t r r i i k k e e FORCEnet S S e e a a S S h h i i e e l l d d S S e e a a B B a a s s i i n n g g Networked Mines fully integrated into the C4ISR architecture contribute to Common Tactical Picture Battle Damage Assessment
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 12 Sea Power 21 Naval Sea Mining…where does it fit? FORCEnet S S e e a a S S h h i i e e l l d d S S e e a a B B a a s s i i n n g g Projecting Defense... assure allies, deter adversaries, ensure access Cost-effective Force Protection Projecting Sovereignty... taking the joint force to sea Forward Deployed Organic Capability Projecting Offense... global presence, precision, and persistence Power Projection SeaStrike
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 13 Sea Basing Sea Strike ForceNet Sea Shield US Mining Vision Integrated Littoral Battlespace Dominance
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 14 Maintains minefield performance with fewer weapons Adds and enhances mining capability Benefits of Networked Mining
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 15 SHALLOWINTERMEDIATE DEEP No Requirement MK 56 MK 65/63/62 QUICKSTRIKE MK 67 SLMM QS & SLMM MK 60 CAPTOR FULL DEMIL PARTIAL DEMIL Current Capability By Water Depth
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 16 Roadmap to the Future 2010 Mine Networked Theater Mine Networked Mine Sea Basing Sea Strike ForceNet Sea Shield
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 17 Littoral Sea Mine Demo Networked Theater Mine Demo 2010 Mine Development Networked Theater Mine Prototype & Development DADS Weapon Technology Mine Technology 2010 Mine AOA New Mining Capability Key Funded Beyond FYDP 2010 P 3 I Demo 2010 P 3 I Development 2010 Mine 2010 P 3 I Mine Networked Theater Mine Future 6.2 Funding TBD Roadmap to the Future
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 18 Acquisition program initiated in FY03 $65M over FYDP in current POM AoA currently underway –Three concepts under consideration Upgraded moored MK 56 Mine replacement Bottom sitting rising mine (rocket or buoyant) Bottom sitting encapsulated torpedo based mine –RECO capability desirable 2010 Mine
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare Mine
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 20 Networked Mine
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 21 Networked Theater Mine Sea Basing Sea Strike ForceNet Sea Shield
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 22 High Quality Target DCLT –Target discrimination –Long range to minimize number of assets Assured, Secure, Robust Underwater C 3 –Remote Control –Integration to CUP and BDA Precision Stand-off Delivery –From air –From sea Flexible Target Engagement –Less than lethal options –Cooperative engagements Needed Capabilities
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 23 Low-power, Compact, Multi-influence Sensors Distributed Signal Processing and Data Fusion Underwater Acoustic / Magneto-inductive Comms Robotic Delivery / Mobile Weapons Target-Weapon Pairing and Cooperative Behavior Enabling Technologies
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 24 SHAREM-138, USS Cushing to RV Melville, East China Sea Demonstrated 2-way Communications up to 12 Nautical Miles All Valid Commands (Arm, Dis-Arm, Sterilize) were confirmed All Intentional Invalid Commands were Rejected 4 Confirmations Received and processed correctly 30 Commands sent All 14 Commands processed correctly 14 Commands Received 14 Confirmations Returned Mine Technology Accomplishments Remote Control (FY01) 4
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 25 Mine Technology Accomplishments Encapsulated Torpedo Launch FY01 Ready to Deploy Demonstrated vertical launch, without broaching, in 150 feet of water Demonstrated ability to achieve a commanded heading within + 5° Validated simulation for weapon performance under a wide variety of conditions Mk 54 Torpedo Launch Simulations Mk 54 Torpedo Surrogate Experiment
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 26 Mine Technology Accomplishments Sensor field - Torpedo Comms FY01 XTV Experiment (Dabob) Resulting XTV (torpedo) Depth and Course MK 69 Source (180 dB) Successfully Achieved All 4 Commanded Turns PSU/ARL XTV (torpedo)
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 27 Improved DCLT Capability –Fewer Long-range Low-power Sensors –Multitudes of Short-range Low-cost Sensors Robust Wireless Underwater Communications –Internet (network to information grid) –Intranet (node to node) –Secure (LPI / LPD) Remaining Technology Issues
PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare 28 A networked minefield can provide enhanced capabilities that are transformational and support all elements of Sea Power 21 There are no insurmountable hurdles that stand in the way of making this vision a reality – requires only a steadfast commitment from the Navy ConclusionConclusion