Rise of Christianity in Rome
The Teachings of Jesus Jesus born in Bethlehem in Judea He was both a Jew and Roman citizen He was baptized by John the Baptist
Jesus’ Message By age 30, he began preaching publicly and for 3 years he: –Preached –Taught –Did good works –Performed miracles Contained many ideas of Judaism such as: Monotheism and the 10 Commandments He emphasized God’s personal relationship with each human being.
Jesus’ Message Stressed importance of love for God, neighbors, enemies and even their own selves. He gathered 12 apostles or pupils = disciples Main source of information about Jesus comes from the Gospels – the first 4 books of the New Testament of the Bible Gospels written by one or more of the apostles (disciples).
Jesus’ Death The people called him the Messiah which means King. This worried the Roman and Jewish leaders, Pontius Pilate a Roman governor arrested Jesus. Sentenced to be crucified or nailed to a cross.
Resurrection According to Gospels he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven One of the first apostles, Peter, spread the teachings of Jesus throughout Palestine and Syria
Christianity Spreads Another apostle, Paul had enormous influence of the development of Christianity Spread during the Pax Romana where conditions were safe for travel on the Roman Roads. Paul stressed that Jesus was the son of God who died for people’s sins.
Jewish Rebellion The Jews eventually rebelled against control of Romans About half million Jews died trying to break free from Roman control. This caused a Diaspora – when mass Jews were driven from their homeland in Jerusalem into exile.
Persecution of the Christians Christians would not worship Roman Gods = viewed as opposition to Roman rule Some Romans blamed bad economic conditions on Christians When a disastrous fire occurred in Rome, and Emperor Nero blamed the Christians and ordered them to be persecuted. Thousands were exiled, imprisoned, crucified, burned or killed by animals in circus arenas
A World Religion Christianity still survived because of widespread appeal: –1. Embraced all people –2. Gave hope to the powerless –3. Appealed to people who rejected the extravagances of imperial Rome –4. Offered a personal relationship with a loving God –5. Promised life after death.
Pictures Cited Slide 1 – Slide 2 – Slide 3 – Slide 4 – Slide 5 – Slide 6 – Slide 7 – content/uploads/2006/05/Ascension.jpg Slide 8 – C jpeg Slide 9 – Slide 11 – Sunset_web.jpg