G. Perdikakis1,2, C. T. Papadopoulos1, R. Vlastou1, A. Lagoyannis2, A


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Presentation transcript:

Measurement of the 241Am(n,2n) reaction cross section using the activation method G. Perdikakis1,2, C. T. Papadopoulos1, R. Vlastou1, A. Lagoyannis2, A. Spyrou2, M. Kokkoris1, S. Galanopoulos1, N. Patronis1, D. Karamanis3, Ch. Zarkadas2, G. Kalyva2, and S. Kossionides2 n_TOF Collaboration 1 Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 2Institute of Nuclear Physics, NCSR “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece 3 Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece G. Perdikakis

Outline of the talk Motivation Experimental Analysis Results for 241Am(n,2n) Theoretical Calculations (in progress) Other reactions studied – Future Plans G. Perdikakis

Not enough experimental data ! Transmutation of MAs - Important Reaction Channels Neutron emission channels σ(n,xn) Fission Channels σ(n,xnf) Not enough experimental data ! Theoretical Predictions Experimental Investigation of Theoretical Model Parametres required G. Perdikakis

241Am: One of the most abundant isotopes in nuclear waste and one of the most radiotoxic elements Existing Data G. Perdikakis

Energy Range of Interest: 241Am(n,2n)240Am Energy Range of Interest: 8-12 MeV Να σημειώσω το κατώφλιο G. Perdikakis

Monoenergetic Neutron Beams @ INP “Demokritos” 5.5MV Tandem VdG p+ or d+ beam Shielding wall ~ 105 n/cm2s 7Li(p,n)7Be 150 – 650 keV ~ 106 n/cm2s 2H(d,n)3He 5 – 12 MeV ~ 105 n/cm2s 3H(d,n)4He 16 – 20 MeV G. Perdikakis

The Activation Target 3mm Pb shield 27 Al foil n Beam 37 GBq 241 Am target Stainless Steel G. Perdikakis

Irradiation Setup 2 m Pb HPGe D filled Gas Cell d+ ΔΕn: < 100 keV 9cm ΔΕn: < 100 keV n Beam 241Am Target 2 m Parafin BF3 Neutron Counter G. Perdikakis

Outline of the Reaction 241Am(n,2n)240Am Fission E,J,π 3n+239Am n T1/2=50.8h 2n+240Am n+241Am n+241Am γ 242Am 240Pu Most Intense γ-rays: 5 days of irradiation for each beam energy ! 987.8 keV (I=73%) 888.8 keV (I=25%) G. Perdikakis

HPGe spectrum @ 10.6 MeV 987.8 keV 240Am 154Eu 1014.7 keV 241Am 984.5 keV 238Np +154Eu 955.7 keV 241Am 154Eu @ 10.6 MeV

Reaction Cross Section G. Perdikakis

Results G. Perdikakis

G. Perdikakis et al. , Phys. Rev. C - In press Results G. Perdikakis

Outline of the Reaction 241Am(n,2n)240Am Fission E,J,π 3n+239Am n T1/2=50.8h 2n+240Am n+241Am n+241Am γ 242Am 240Pu Hauser Feshbach: Preequilibrium contribution : Exciton Model STAPRE/F G. Perdikakis

The double-humped fission barrier ρΝ ρΑ ρΒ Saddle A states Saddle B states Normal states Fission n n+X ħωΑ ħωΒ UA UB βΝ βΑ βΒ scission Deformation, β G. Perdikakis `

Main parametres of the calculation Level Density, ρ(U,J), at the saddles and at normal deformation Transmission Coefficients for neutrons,Τn Coupled Channels OMP for actinides (Ignatyuk et. al. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 51, (5), 1990) Fission Barrier Parametre UA,UB,ħωΑ,ħωΒ Deduced from experimental data (V. M. Maslov. RIPL-1 Handbook. TEXDOC-000, IAEA, Vienna, 1998, Ch. 5.) G. Perdikakis

Generalized Superfluid Model of the nucleus Shell, Superfluid pairing and Collective effects, important for the calculation a=ã[1+δw·f(U-Econd)] Generalized Superfluid Model of the nucleus Ignatyuk et al, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys 29, (4), 1979 G. Perdikakis

241Am(n,F) Results Preliminary !!! 241Am(n,2n) G. Perdikakis

Conclusions Other measurements Measurement of the 241Am(n,2n) reaction @ En = 8.8 – 11.4 MeV Theoretical calculations in progress 241Am(n,2n) 241Am(n,F) Other measurements 232Th(n,2n) D. Karamanis et al. NIM A 505, 381, (2003) n-induced reactions on Ge, Hf and Ir isotopes In progress 237Np(n,2n) To be done G. Perdikakis


Results Preliminary !!! 241Am(n,2n) G. Perdikakis

Conclusions and Future Perspectives Systematic Experimental Investigation of 241Am(n,2n) Reaction Cross Section, for the first time Consistent Theoretical Description of 241Am(n,2n) Reaction, in Reasonable Agreement with Experimental Data. Experimental Investigation to be Continued at Lower Energies Improvement of Theoretical Description over the whole energy range


Results 241Am(n,f) 241Am(n,2n)240Am

Energy Production and Nuclear Waste Transmutation in ADS Systems Higher Fission/Capture ratio More effective Transmutation S. Taczanowski et. al. Applied Energy 75, 97, (2003) Sub-critical Systems Transmutation of Nuclear Waste Neutrons produced by Spallation Reaction in Accelerator Main Characteristics Neutron Flux in Reactor Core affected by n-induced reactions Minor Actinides (Am, Cm, Np) Not a good reactor fuel Not enough delayed neutrons

Off Line HPGe 241Am Target Pb shielding

Irradiation Setup D filled Gas Cell d+ n Beam 241Am Target Parafin 100000 200000 300000 400000 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 Neutron Flux (counts) Irradiation Time (sec) E n = 10.6 MeV Neutron Flux vs Time 5 days of Irradiation n Beam 241Am Target BF3 Neutron Counter

Mapping the Neutron beam fluctuations 100000 200000 300000 400000 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 Neutron Flux (counts) Irradiation Time (sec) E n = 10.6 MeV Neutron Flux vs Time 5 days of Irradiation


Measurement of the 241Am(n,2n) cross section by the activation method Experimental Difficulties Highly radioactive target, Relatively long half life of 240Am (50.8 h)