On feature distributional clustering for text categorization Bekkerman, El-Yaniv, Tishby and Winter The Technion. June, 27, 2001
Plan of talk A representation of a new text categorization technique based on: Distributional Clustering Support Vector Machine (SVM) Comparative evaluation of the new technique wrt previous work (Dumais et. al.) that used Mutial Information (MI) feature selection
Main results The evaluation is performed on two benchmark corpora: Reuters 20 Newsgroups (20NG) The result is that the new technique works better than the known one on 20NG. But it isn ’ t better on Reuters. Possible reasons for such a behavior will be discussed.
Text categorization A fundamental problem of splitting a large text corpus into a number of semantic categories (predefined). We are dealing with its supervised version. The problem has many real-world applications. Search engines. Helpdesks.
Text representation A standard approach: Bag-Of-Words. A document as a list of words it contains. Much more sophisticated method: distributional clusters. A word is represented as a distribution over the categories. The words are then clustered to k clusters. Details will go later on.
Support Vector Machines A modern inductive classification method. Proposed by Vapnik. Usually shows its advantage over other learning schemes such as K Nearest Neighbors Na ï ve Bayes
Corpora A corpus is a large collection of documents. We ’ ve checked our algorithms on two well-known corpora: Reuters (ModApte split): 7063 articles in the training set, 2742 articles in the test set. 118 categories. 20 Newsgroups: articles. 20 categories.
Multi-labeling vs. uni-labeling Multi-labeled corpus: many articles belong to a number of categories. Example: Reuters (15.5% are multi- labeled documents) Uni-labeled corpus: each article belongs to only one category. It has been thought so about 20 newsgroups. But in fact it contains 4.5% multi-labeled documents.
Related results Dumais et al. (1998): SVM with simple feature selection on Reuters. Best known result: 92.0% of breakeven over 10 largest categories. Baker and McCallum (1998): Distributional clustering + Na ï ve Bayes on 20NG. 85.7% of accuracy (uni-labeled scheme).
Related results (contd.) Joachims (1996): Rocchio algorithm on Na ï ve Bayes. Best known result on 20NG (uni-labeled approach): 90.3% of accuracy. Slonim and Tishby (2000): Information Bottleneck method. Used in our work.
Related results (contd.) Zhang and Oles (2001): comparative study of linear classification techniques wrt. text categorization over different corpora. SVM is always better.
The case of our study corpus MI feature selection Distributional Clustering Support Vector Machine result <>
Feature selection via Mutual Information On training set, choose N words which contribute maximum for separating the categories. The contribution is in terms of Mutual Information: For each word w and each category c.
Feature selection via MI (contd.) For each category we build a list of N most contributing words. For example (on 20 Newsgroups): sci.electronics: circuit, voltage, amp, ground, copy, battery, electronics, cooling, circuits, … rec.autos: car, cars, engine, ford, dealer, mustang, oil, collision, autos, tires, toyota, …
Distributional Clustering Was proposed by Pereira, Tishby and Lee (1993). Its generalization is called Information Bottleneck (Tishby, Pereira, Bialek 1999). In our case, each word (in the training set) is represented as a distribution over categories it appears in. Each word w is then clustered into a pseudo-word.
Distributional Clustering (contd.) The idea is to maximize the Mutual Information wrt. the partition under a constraint on. The solution is in the following equation: Where Z is the normalization factor, β is an annealing parameter.
Deterministic Annealing A powerful clustering method, proposed by Rose et. al. (1998). The approach is “ top-down ” : Start with one cluster with low β ( “ high temperature ” ). Split it while lowering the “ temperature ” until reaching a stable stage.
Deterministic Annealing (contd.)
Vector space in our experiment In MI feature selection technique: documents are projected onto N most contributing words. In Information Bottleneck technique: Firstly words are grouped into clusters, And then documents are projected onto the pseudo-words. So, documents are vectors whose elements are numbers of occurrences of “ best ” words (1) or pseudo-words (2).
Support Vector Machines A modern classification technique. The classification is based on the border examples only: We used linear SVM (the SVMlight packet by Joachims). Support Vectors
Multi-labeled setting 1. MI feature selection (or distributional clustering) on the training and test sets. 2. For each category we train a binary classifier on the training set. 3. On each document in the test set we run all the classifiers. 4. The document is related to all the categories whose classifiers accepted it.
Uni-labeled setting 1. The same as in multi-labeled one. 2. `` `` `` 3. `` `` `` 4. The document is related to the (one) category whose classifier accepted it with maximal score.
Evaluating the results Multi-labeled: each document ’ s labels should be identical to the classification results. Precision/Recall scheme. Uni-labeled: the classification result should be included in the set of document ’ s labels. Accuracy measure (number of hits).
The setup of our experiment To reproduce the results achieved by Dumais et. al., we choose k = 300 (number of “ best ” words and number of clusters). Since we wanted to compare 20NG and Reuters (ModApte split: ¾ is training set and ¼ is test set) we used 4-fold cross- validation on 20NG.
Parameter tuning We have 2 major parameters: Number of clusters or “ best ” words (k). SVM parameters (C and J in SVMlight). For each experiment, k is fixed. To perform a “ fair ” experiment, we tune C and J on the training set, splitting it to train-train and train-validation sets. Then we run the experiment with the best parameters fixed at the previous stage.
Unfair parameter tuning Suppose we want to compare results of two experiments A and B. And we see that the result of A is better than the one of B. So, we run B with unfair parameter tuning Parameters are tuned right on the test set. This will assure us that it ’ s impossible to achieve the result of A with the setting of B.
Our result on 20 Newsgroups Multi-labeled setting (break-even point): Clustering: 88.6±0.3% (k = 300) MI feature selection: 77.7±0.5% (k = 300) `` `` : 86.3±0.4% (k = 15000) Uni-labeled setting (accuracy measure): Clustering: 91.0±0.3% (k=300) MI feature selection: 85.1±0.5% (k = 300) `` `` : 91.2±0.4% (k = 15000) Parameter tuning of the MI-based experiments is unfair.
Our result on Reuters It makes no sense to speak about uni- labeled setting on Reuters. Because it ’ s a multi-labeled corpus. Multi-labeled setting (break-even point): Clustering: 91.6% (k = 300) – unfair MI feature selection: 92.0% (k = 300) The results are achieved on 10 largest categories of Reuters.
Discussion of the results So, we see that our technique (clustering) works better than MI on 20NG and almost the same (a little worse) on Reuters. What can be the explanation? Reuters is manually labeled while 20NG is “ naturally ” labeled. Hypothesis: Reuters was labeled only according to a few keywords that appeared in the documents.
Confirmation of our suggestion We tried to decrease the number of features selected by MI technique, on both Reuters and 20NG. We saw that On 20NG the results decreased sharply, On Reuters the results remained the same. So, just a few words are enough to categorize documents of Reuters, while in 20NG we need much more words.
Dependence of break-even on number of features
Conclusion There ’ re corpora for which simple methods work well. Such as Reuters: selection of just a few features solves the problem of text categorization. For other corpora (such as 20NG) a sophisticated method of distributional clustering helps a lot. Future work: to evaluate our technique on other corpora.