On Systems with Limited Communication PhD Thesis Defense Jian Zou May 6, 2004
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou2 Motivation I Information theoretical issues are traditionally decoupled from consideration of decision and control problems by ignoring communication constraints. Many newly emerged control systems are distributed, asynchronous and networked. We are interested in integrating communication constraints into consideration of control system.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou3 Examples MEMSUAV Picture courtesy: Aeronautical Systems Biological System
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou4 Theoretical framework for systems with limited communication A theoretical framework for systems with limited communication should answer many important questions (state estimation, stability and controllability, optimal control and robust control). The effort just begins. It is still a long road ahead.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou5 State Estimation Communication constraints cause time delay and quantization of analog measurements. Two steps in considering state estimation problem from quantized measurement. First, for a class of given underlying systems and quantizers, we seek effective state estimator from quantized measurement. Second, we try to find optimal quantizer with respect to those state estimators.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou6 Motivation II Optimal reconstruction of a Gauss-Markov process from its quantized version requires exploration of the power spectrum (autocorrelation function) of the process. Mathematical models for this problem is similar to that of state estimation from quantized measurement.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou7 Major contributions We found effective state estimators from quantized measurements, namely quantized measurement sequential Monte Carlo method and finite state approximation for two broad classes of systems. We studied numerical methods to seek optimal quantizer with respect to those state estimators.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou8 Reconstruction of a Gauss-Markov process Systems with limited communication Noisy Measurement Noiseless Measurement Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter ( or Extend Kalman Filter) Quantized Measurement Sequential Monte Carlo method Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter Finite State Approximation Motivation Mathematical Models (Chapter 2) Sub optimal State Estimator (Chapter 3, 4 and 5)
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou9 System Block Diagram Figure 2.1
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou10 Assumptions We only consider systems which can be modeled as block diagram in Figure 2.1. Assumptions regarding underlying physical object or process, information to be transmitted, type of communication channels, protocols are made.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou11 Mathematical Model
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou12 State Estimation from Quantized Measurement
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou13 Optimal Reconstruction of Colored Stochastic Process
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou14 Reconstruction of a Gauss-Markov process Noisy Measurement Noiseless Measurement Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter ( or Extend Kalman Filter) Quantized Measurement Sequential Monte Carlo method Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter Finite State Approximation Motivation Mathematical Models (Chapter 2) Sub optimal State Estimator (Chapter 3, 4 and 5) Systems with limited communication
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou15 Noisy Measurement
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou16 Two approaches Treating quantization as additive noise + Kalman Filter (Extended Kalman Filter) We call them Quantized measurement Kalman filter (extended Kalman filter) respectively. Applying sequential Monte Carlo method (particle filter). We call the method Quantized measurement sequential Monte Carlo method (QMSMC).
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou17 Treating quantization as additive noise Definition (Reverse map and quantization function ) Definition (Quantization noise function n) Definition (Quantization noise sequence) Impose Assumptions on statistics of quantization noise.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou18 Quantized Measurement Kalman filter (Extend Kalman filter) Kalman filter is modified to incorporate the artificially made-up quantization noise. The statistics of quantization noise depends on the distribution of measurement being quantized. Extend Kalman filter is modified in a similar way.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou19 QMSMC algorithm Samples of step k-1 Prior Samples Evaluation of Likelihood … Resampling and sample of step k
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou20 Diagram for General Convergence Theorem Evolution of approximate distribution Evolution of a posterior distribution
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou21 Properties of QMSMC complexity at each iteration. Parallel Computation can effectively reduce the computational time. The resulted random variable sequence indexed by number of samples used converges to the conditional mean in probability. This is the meaning of asymptotical optimality.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou22 Simulation Results
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou23 Simulation Results
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou24 Simulation Results
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou25 Simulation results for navigation model of MIT instrumented X-60 helicopter
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou26 Reconstruction of a Gauss-Markov process Noisy Measurement Noiseless Measurement Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter ( or Extend Kalman Filter) Quantized Measurement Sequential Monte Carlo method Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter Finite State Approximation Motivation Mathematical Models (Chapter 2) Sub optimal State Estimator (Chapter 3, 4 and 5) Systems with limited communication
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou27 Noiseless Measurement
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou28 Two approaches Treating quantization as additive noise + Kalman Filter (Extended Kalman Filter) Discretize the state space and apply the formula for partially observed HMM. We call the method finite state approximation.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou29 Finite State Approximation
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou30 We assume that the evolution ofobeys time invariant linear rule. We also assume this rule can be obtained from evolution of underlying systems. Under this assumption, we apply formula for partially observed HMM for state estimation. Computational complexity Finite State Approximation
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou31 Finite State Approximation
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou32 Optimal quantizer For Standard Normal Distribution Numerical methods searching for optimal quantizer for Second-order Gauss Markov process
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou33
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou34 Properties of Optimal Quantizer for Standard Normal Distribution Theorem 6.1.1, establish bounds on conditional mean in the tail of standard normal distribution. Theorem proposes an upper bound on quantization error contributed by the tail. After assuming conjecture 6.1.1, we obtain upper bounds of error associated with optimal N-level quantizer for standard normal distribution.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou35 Numerical Methods Searching for Optimal Quantizer for Second-order Gauss Markov Process For Gauss-Markov underlying process, define cost function of an quantizer to be square root of mean squared estimation error by Quantized measurement Kalman filter. Algorithm search for local minimum of cost function using gradient descent method with respect to parameters in quantizer.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou36 Numerical Results For second order systems with different damping ratios, optimal quantizers are indistinguishable based on our criteria. Lower damping ratio will reduce error associated with optimal quantizer.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou37 Conclusions We considered systems with limited communication and optimal reconstruction of a Gauss-Markov process. Effective sub optimal state estimators from quantized measurements. Study of properties of optimal quantizer for standard normal distribution and numerical methods to seek optimal quantizer for Gauss-Markov process.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou38 Reconstruction of a Gauss-Markov process Systems with limited communication Noisy Measurement Noiseless Measurement Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter ( or Extend Kalman Filter) Quantized Measurement Sequential Monte Carlo method Quantized Measurement Kalman Filter Finite State Approximation Motivation Mathematical Models (Chapter 2) Sub optimal State Estimator (Chapter 3, 4 and 5)
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou39 Optimal quantizer For Standard Normal Distribution Numerical methods searching for optimal quantizer for Second-order Gauss Markov process Optimal Quantizer (Chapter 6)
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou40 Future Work Other topics regarding systems with limited communication such as controllability, stability, optimal control with respect to new cost function and robust control. Improving QMSMC and finite state approximation methods and related theoretical work. New methods to search optimal quantizer for Gauss- Markov process.
5/6/2004PhD Thesis Defense, Jian Zou41 Acknowledgements Prof. Roger Brockett. Prof. Alek Kavcic, Prof. Garrett Stanley and Prof. Navin Khaneja Haidong Yuan and Dan Crisan Michael, Ben, Ali, Jason, Sean, Randy, Mark, Manuela. NSF and U.S. Army Research Office