HPC User Forum 16 th October 2008 Professor Chris Hankin
Imperial at a glance The University’s objectives: world class scholarship, education and research in science, technology and medicine interdisciplinary collaborations communicate and share knowledge Established in 1907 Academic faculties: Engineering Natural Sciences Medicine plus Imperial College Business School
Our Estate Six London campuses Charing Cross Chelsea and Westminster Hammersmith Royal Brompton South Kensington St Mary’s Two campuses in South East England Silwood Park, Ascot Wye, Kent South Kensington Campus and surrounding area
Our staff 8,200 staff and visiting staff 3,000 academic and research staff 3,000 support staff 1,700 honorary staff 700 academic visitors and visiting researchers
Our students 13,000 students 8,300undergraduates 2,200taught postgraduates 2,500research postgraduates Courses 111 undergraduate courses 124 postgraduate taught courses 7:1 Ratio applications to admissions AAB Average A-level entry grade
Our financial strengths £556mTurnover 6.6%Total percentage received by Imperial in national public funding of university research Largest industrial sponsorship in UK university sector £230m Total research income
Our research themes
Current HPC Provision SGI Altix: 32 Itanium 2 CPUs with 256 GBytes DELL PC Cluster: 510 nodes (1860 cores), 2-16 GBytes per node, 280 nodes connected via Infiniband interconnect 60 TBytes of RAID disk storage College commitment to annual upgrade/replacement Supporting dedicated sub-clusters for Research Groups (1300 cores)
Faculty involvement Users across all faculties Engineering: Turbulence, Earth modelling, Materials Modelling Natural Sciences: Bioinformatics, Computational Chemistry, data Mining, High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics Medicine: Epidemiology, Population Genomics
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