Isaac Gertman, Yan Tsehtik and Irena Lunin Sea-Search Project Western Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea groups First Regional Meeting May 2003 Istanbul – Turkey Israel Marine Data Center (ISRAMAR) Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research
Staff: Isaac Gertman – Head Yan Tsehtik – Database developer and administrator Irena Lunin – Database developer and Webmaster Equipment: Server COMPAQ PROLIANT ML 370 Personal computer Pentium IV 1000 MHZ Personal Computer Pentium III 600 MHZ Portable Computer Pentium III 800 MHZ Establishment: December 2001
Software: Windows 2000, Windows XP Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft ACCESS 2000/2002 Golden Software SURFER 8 VDS Technologies AspMap 2.0 ( Tonec Inc Active Image 4.1 ( ORACLE 8i
Data Bases: Mediterranean Oceanographic Cruises - MEDACC Israel Shelf Oceanographic Time Series MEDGLOSS Hydrometeorological Dead Sea Data Heavy Metal Concentration in Organisms & Sediments Hydrobiological Reports of IOLR
Real Time Data: Wind, Wave, Sea Level, Sea Water Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure & currents from Mediterranean Hadera station Sea Level, Sea Water Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure from Red Sea Eilat station Meteorological Data from the Dead Sea Mediterranean & Red Sea Tide forecast
Position of wind and wave gauges Hadera Coal Terminal
Dead Sea Hydrometorological Data Bottle cast + CTD SEACAT (4-6 times per year) Measurements (at 20 min interval) of: total incoming radiation; wind speed & direction; air temperature; relative humidity; air pressure; water temperature at 11 levels, between 1 m and 40 m, below the sea surface.
Press Desired Date for Astronomic Tide Forecast for Mediterranean Coast of Israel
Mediterranean Oceanographic ACCESS Database (MEDACC)
Primary tables
1.Loading data to primary tables and creating secondary tables by the VBA data input procedure. 2.Secondary tables created according to GF3 codes for measured parameters. Table Of GF3 codes Data Load and Secondary tables
Data tables relationships.
Main properties of the MEDACC File size Mb Number of cruisers Number of casts PTS DOXY TUR2 FLUO PHOS CHPL NTRA SLCA PHPH NTRI LGHT FLUI PHEO AMON IODI CA14 GLUC PROT TPA1
Time distribution of casts in MEDACC
Space distribution of casts in MEDACC
Map Building Form
Section Form
Parameter on Isopicnal Surface
Single Cast Graph Form
Group Vertical Distribution Form
TS Diagram Form
WEB interface via Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser Active Server Pages Technology
Israel shelf heavy metal information system (Organisms)
Interactive map included in the Web interface of the HM information system
Time distribution of samples for stations selected by space limits
. Advanced Selections page of the organisms database
Real time coastal data information system
Database structure
WEB Interface