CarboSchools embraced by EPOCA CarboOcean Philippe Saugier CarbonSchools EU coordinator
Ocean Acidification educational resources (by EPOCA, CarboSchools & others) 1) background resources for schools, aquaria & science centers (goal = learn the basics about OA & EPOCA research): - 4 introductory posters - 8-page pdf for teachers - Virtual OA lab developed within the Inquiry2Insight project - Eur-Oceans movie & Plymouth animation 2) worksheets describing hands-on experiments illustrating OA (for presentations by museum staff during public visits or school workshops) - to be progressively developed through the Carboschools library 3) Arctic blog June 2010 / new contents, video-conferences.
Introductory posters for schools, aquaria & science centers
Helen Findlay, Hannah Wood & Steeve Comeau Blog contributors also included: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Fred Gazeau, Bonnie Laverock, Sandra Treydte, Steve Widdicombe and Zora Zittier
The Science
The Experiments
The People
People Pages
Blogs on fieldwork
Blogs on lab work
Blogs on Arctic life
Total views: 9844 (updated 24/06/09) Busiest day: Wednesday 29 th April 2009
Where did people find out about the blog? EPOCA website 273 Wordpress tags108 Facebook (!)78 Ocean Acidification blog25 French sites24 PML website21 German sites12 Others10 Italian sites3 TOTAL Referrers554 (updated 24/06/09)
What were the top Pages? Home1908 The People424 The Experiments178 The Science111 Why study the polar regions61 The great biological unknowns58 TOTAL page hits6091 (updated 24/06/09)
What were the top Blog Posts? Preparing for bears114 Hard life in the arctic II113 Diving in the arctic106 Mud, mud glorious mud100 Total English (18 posts made)1043 Total German (9 posts made)716 Total French (11 posts made)371 TOTAL hits on blog posts2130 (updated 24/06/09)
Feedback Positive Large number & variety of blogs written Blogs were interesting and informative Easy to set up and use Several different languages were used Negative Complicated layout – too many pages? Need more interaction with schools Different blogs in different languages seemed to confuse teachers
Lessons for the future… Keep it simple! Translate each blog into several different languages ??? Lots of pictures and videos More interaction with schools More question-answer opportunities for students
THANK YOU FOR LISTENING, ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS?! Philippe Saugier Lina Hansson Hannah Wood Steeve Comeau Steve Widdicombe Bonnie Laverock Jean-Pierre Gattuso Fred Gazeau Sandra Treydte Zora Zittier Many thanks to all involved, particularly…