02-Dec-091LUSEM worshop
imagining organization: towards an ethics of managing JC Spender Lund & ESADE 02-Dec-092LUSEM worshop
my project organizational performance (a) independent and dependent variables, models directing ‘the organization’ role of management, management education (b) uncertainty, agency, ‘closure’ (McCloud 1994) rhetoric, language creating organization entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, strategy non-equilibrium, moral & ethical issues, actor’s responsibility contrast of methodologies, educational objectives (a) rational choice, (b) agency, and (c) power - our socio-economy complementarity / closure 02-Dec-093LUSEM worshop idea / purpose activity
basic notions rational choice vs agentic closure positivism vs ‘constructivism’ Methodenstreit Δ model of the individual (MoI) Δ ‘organization’ & ‘managing’ OT vs ToF 02-Dec-094LUSEM worshop uncertainty agency rhetoric organization - closure deductiveinductive agentic theory hypothesis test activity rule
Simon’s administration project Knightian uncertainty bounded rationality theory of administration habituation not agency environmental dynamism 02-Dec-095LUSEM worshop rulescapabilities routines
PAT, TP/IE, IO/RBV, TCE/PR theories of the firm OT vs micro-economics PAT - Jensen & Meckling vs Fama TP / IE - Alchian & Demsetz, Commons IO/RBV - Mason, Porter, Barney TCE/PR - Coase, Williamson, Hart systems thinking ‘Austrian’ project 02-Dec-09LUSEM worshop6
current types of ToF 02-Dec-09LUSEM worshop7 elementsentity peoplePATTP / IE thingsIO / RBVTCE / PR
Penrose et al 02-Dec-09LUSEM worshop8 knowledge uncertainty time-space process
managing others’ agency rhetoric docility, MoI logos, ethos, pathos closure, pisteis, dialectics, proof managing constraints to agency dynamics constraints to self-world language, symbols, rituals communication-based theory of organizing 02-Dec-09LUSEM worshop9 idea / purpose activity
02-Dec-09LUSEM worshop10